IES SES ESTACIONS (IES SE) is a state school situated in the centre of Palma. 1,156 students are registered distributed as follows: Obligatory Secondary Education (368), Post compulsory (79) and VET (709). Our VET professional field is Management and Business Administration in all modalities.

This project will surely give our students the possibility of working together with partners from different social and geographical backgrounds and will offer our teachers a broader view of learning strategies and styles. In this way we hope all, teachers and students will become keener on cooperating with, working or living in Europe. Peer-to peer strategies, buddy systems and other strategies like cooperation work are important tools to integrate newcomers to our system. The project coordinator will be Joan Riera - Physics and Chemistry teacher and Head of studies. Teachers involved are Joana Garí - Head of the Physics and Chemistry department, Mª Antonia Soberats - Head of the Biology and Geology department, Sonia Vico and Blanca Ochogavia-English teachers. Teachers who will be involved in this project belong mainly to those three departments with the collaboration of teachers from other departments.

Our contact with the University of the Balearic Islands will allow us to have guidance on scientific studies and direct cooperation with them. We have participated in bilateral exchanges with Scotland, the Netherlands and Germany during several years. - Expertise in promoting effective inclusion in the

school of students with different abilities and learning rhythms; specific support programmes organized by the Guidance Department. - Strategies to integrate students from different cultural backgrounds whose mother languages are not Spanish or Catalan. - Teachers working in departments and also in different transversal commissions to ensure that important issues are dealt with ( health, coeducation, coexistence, library, extra school activities, environment...

Dates de l'activitat

Del 16 al 21 de gener de 2022

Alumnes participants en els diferents temes

Neus Ferrer (4t ESO A): Energy

Natalia Choque (4t ESO B): DNA

Ikram Hamouti (1r Batx A): Periodic table

Constanza Freije (1r Batx A): Volume

Welcome to IES Ses Estacions

Dos and don'ts of communication