The Gymnasium am Rotenbühl (GaR) is one of the oldest and biggest grammar schools in the region of and around Saarbrücken. More than 900 students are taught by 90 teachers. Being located at the edge of the city and benefitting from a good infrastructure, GaR not only attracts students from the city centre but also from the outskirts of the city. As a school offering a bilingual programme (English- German) and a sports-focused programme in cooperation with the German Olympic SportsConfederation, GaR even attracts students from neighbouring municipalities, France, and other parts of Germany. Furthermore, GaR is located in the proximity of the main university and university of applied sciences of the Saarland as well as international companies in the field of IT and Sciences. That is why it is chosen by the ministry of education to serve as the international school before a new school can be founded. GaR is a multicultural environment with students from over 26 nationalities. The foreign languages learnt are English, French, and Spanish or Latin. The bilingual programme guarantees the expertise of the staff in intercultural communication and language teaching. GaR is certified as a STEM-friendly school and as a European Parliament Ambassador School. GaR wants to enhance its qualities in the field of STEM combined with ICT skills. While students succeed in sciences, they have difficulties in Maths and there are only small number participating in IT or robotics courses. Being aware of these issues among students, GaR is eager to change this. As the ICT infrastructure is to be improved by the ministry of education and the local authority responsible for the school, GaR wants to prepare its teachers and students for the increased usage of ICT in classrooms in the future. This is to be changed by a student-centred approach. At the same time, GaR wants to share its already existing experiences and expertise with its partners. In the long-run, GaR hopes to be certified as the first European School in the Saarland - a label to be established by the ministry of education – and as a CertiLingua school.

Anja Barbian (English and History (bilingual)), head of the department of social studies, is the coordinator of the project. She is experienced in coordinating Erasmus+ and local projects and has attended a KA1 course on Project Management. In case she has to be substituted, Oskar Dawo takes over. He is a teacher trainer for physical education and a psychologist and has already successfully coordinated several Erasmus+ and Comenius projects. The following STEM and language teachers will be involved in the project team: Uta Somieski (Mathematics, Physics) Folke Schmitt (Mathematics) Gudrun Schneider-Nissen (Biology) Uwe Janßen (Chemistry, Biology) Stefan Strobel (Mathematics, IT) Bärbel Meiser (Biology, Chemistry) Beate Bernd (English, French) Most of them are also members of the school’s steering group which focuses on the European profile of the school.

Dates de l'activitat

Del 20 al 24 de setembre de 2019

Participants de l'IES Ses Estacions

        • M. Antònia Soberats
        • Joan Riera