Boston Grammar School (BGS) is a selective boys academy that accepts girls aged 16 to 18. Currently, there are just over 700 pupils on roll and 50 members of staff. BGS offers GCSE qualifications in all key subjects, including English, Maths, Science, German, French, Geography, History, RE, PE, Design and Technology, Computer Studies, Music, Art and Business Studies. At Alevel, the school offers the same subjects and also provides access to Psychology and Economics.

The vast majority of GCSE students stay at Boston Grammar School to complete their post 16 education. 75% go on to study at Universities in the UK. The school has a substantial intake of Eastern European students due to the demographic of the town. Whilst officially very few pupils come from underprivileged families, the majority of pupils have little experience of travelling independently, including A-level students. BGS has twice been awarded the Full International School Award which clearly proves that the school highly values international collaboration. BGS has collaborated five times with GaR and regards Germany a firm partner country, which we hope to further strengthen and build on throughout this project. Whilst Luke Anderson will be carrying out the project, he will be supported by Christine Abrams who has successfully managed 7 Comenius/ Erasmus+ projects. The STEM teachers involved will be Paul Herbert, Christopher Preston, Tom Coldwell and Amanda Cook.

The language department is fully committed to the project and all four members are happy to support the work carried out. With highly qualified teachers who have successfully entered pupils in national STEM competitions including the physics, chemistry, maths and biology Olympiad we are able to deliver on all aspects of STEM. We are closely working with the Ogden Trust, which promotes physics teaching and regularly have pupils selected on the nations engineering program. Boston Grammar School has learning ambassadors in each form across all year groups. Meetings with learning ambassadors are regular and they are also involved in the interview process of new members of staff. We currently do not run a buddy system, but we used to have an active and successful system 7 years ago. Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard and many classes have access to either chrome books or laptops to at least allow group work on IT. Further, we have two fully equipped computer rooms, a larger number of computers in our DT department and laptops available to our weaker students or those with special educational needs. With regard to project management, Christine Abrams has completed 7 international projects including Comenius, Erasmus+ (KA1, KA2), Connecting Classrooms projects from the British Council, Projects funded through the Lefevre trust and a project funded through UK-German Connections. In addition, we have a dedicated in-house finance department, who repeatedly have been praised by outside auditors for their book keeping.

Dates de l'activitat

Del 25 al 29 d'abril de 2022

Participants de l'IES Ses Estacions

  • Professors

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  • Alumnes

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