Participants de l'IES Ses Estacions

  • Professors

        • Sonia Vico

  • Alumnes

        • M.Rosa S. (1r BAT A)

        • Bruna F. (4t A)

        • Natalia P. (4t A)

        • Alba R (4t A)

Dates de l'activitat

Del 9 de gener al 15 de gener de 2020

Tallers desenvolupats a Finlàndia

Abans de dia 9 de gener, els alumnes de 4t ESO A i na Rosa, han desenvolupat les presentacions del cúrrículum dels diferents països de les assignatures STEM que podeu veure a les pàgines adjutes.

Els alumnes participants que viatgen dia 9 amb la subvenció Erasmus dels diferents països, posen en comú els temes que estan a les presentacions de tots els currículums de tots els països participants. I aquest currículum comú, es presenta en un Webinar enregistat, que podeu visualitzar en aquest mateix apartat.

Dels temes presentats que tenen en comú tots els països, es vota, fins dia 24 de gener de 2020 per elegir els temes que es consideren més atractius per posteriorment desenvolupar a classe de Cultura Científica de 1r de Batcillerat, abans del taller de Bèlgica. Els alumnes que viatgin a Bèlgica, participaran en l'elaboració d'un seminari online (Webinar) per exposar els temes triats. De l'IES Ses Estacions, viatjaràn a Bèlgica quatre alumnes, cada un d'ells exposarà un tema per a cada una de les assignatures.

Els alumnes que viatgen i la professora acompanyant són:

        • Joana M. Garí

        • Bryan M. (1r BAT A)

        • Gabriela M. (1r BAT A)

        • Johan T. (1r BAT A)

        • Ruslana T. (1r BAT A)

Estau convidats a visualitzar la feina que na Rosa, na Bruna, na Natalia i n'Alba han fet al taller de Finlància amb les aportacions dels alumnes de 4t ESO A a anglès, i a participar en la votació dels temes que han de desenvoupar els nostres alumnes a Cultura Científica per després posar en comú a Bèlgica. Aquests temes seran exposats en seminaris online (Webinars), que posteriorment també seran publicats.

Watch the recordings of the webinars carefully before voting!

Which of the following topics would YOU like to work more on during the other Erasmus+ project weeks? Please, vote for these topics!

Deadline Friday 24th January 2020

Chemistry Ads

Physics Ads

Mathematics Ads


Pargas svenska gymnasium (l'institut de Finlàndia)

Pargas svenska gymnasium is a three-year upper secondary school in the south-west of Finland. The school is situated in the archipelago with students from the surrounding region. There are about 170 students and 18 teachers. The language of our school is Swedish, the second national language in Finland. However, all our students study Finnish as a second language and many of them are bilingual (Swedish-Finnish). On the whole, PSG students are very motivated to learn foreign languages and most of them have a very good knowledge of English. PSG also has a fair number of students who study German and French. Our upper secondary school provides courses in a wide variety of subjects on quite an advanced level. These studies lead up to the final exam, called the matriculation exam, in four to ten subjects. PSG is very motivated to join this project, because the STEM-subjects, mathematics in particular, will give the most points when students apply for university. Therefore, our school needs to focus even more on these subjects in order to enable the students to get good results. During the course of this project we would be able to cooperate with Åbo Akademi University, which would greatly add to the students’ opportunities to get a better knowledge of different STEM-subjects. Åbo Akademi University is a Swedish-speaking university with a very international atmosphere and hundreds of foreign students studying for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in English. Thanks to previous projects at our school, PSG already has a good connection to this university and will be able to engage different lecturers in this kind of project based on STEM-subjects. The key people in charge of the project will be Sara Enroth-Nyman, teacher of German and entrepreneurship, Katarina Ohls-Ahlskog, teacher of French and English, and Tove Söderman, teacher of English. In case one of us cannot contribute, the other two will cover for her. All have a lot of experience of working together on different Comenius/Erasmus+ projects from previous years. Even if our school is small in comparison to the other partner schools, PSG also has experience in organising big workshop meetings at our school. Many of PSG students are also interested in hosting foreign students in order to get to know people from different countries in Europe. Our teachers of mathematics and biology are willing to contribute with their expertise.

Depending on which field the other partner schools are interested in, they will adapt the project week programme according to these needs. At our school we are particularly experienced in using digitalized teaching and learning methods. All PSG students have their own laptops and most of the teaching material is shared on the platform Google Classroom. All subjects in the matriculation exam are carried out digitally. This digital approach to learning is in line with Finland’s educational strategy to provide the most modern and efficient learning facilities.