Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Poeta García Gutiérrez (IES PGG) is a state secondary school located in Chiclana de la Frontera, a town of 85,000 inhabitants on the south coast of Spain. The school has morning lessons (712 students in General Secondary education) and 624 adult students in the evening courses. The students of the morning courses are 12 to 18 years old. The students of the evening courses are 18 and up.

Chiclana is a tourist town with access to some of the best beaches in all Spain. The main source of income for the community is tourism and building. The school is in a medium-low social class area where the level of education is lower than the Spanish level. Unemployment is one of the highest rates in Europe as well as the number of drop-outs. The students in our school are form different social group.

Compulsory secondary education comprises four courses: 1º, 2º, 3º, and 4º ESO (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria). In 1st, 2nd and 3rd year all the subjects are common, in 4º ESO students choose subjects related to their specific if their ambitions; either Bachillerato (A-Levels), upper courses to go to university, or vocational training.

When the students are 16 and they get their certificate, they have two options: 1. For those that aim at going to university, there are two courses of Bachillerato with three options, science, Humanity and Arts. When they finish, they have to take a University Entrance Exam. They are tested on the compulsory subjects (Spanish, Foreign language and History) and some subjects of their field of specialization. Their grade is 60% marks from the Bachillerato plus 40% marks from the exam. Depending on the grade, students will be able to enter the university.

The coordinators of the project will be Rosario Mougan Rivero, English teacher, Jose Manuel San José González, Technology Teacher, Antonio Jesús Batista Melgar, Chemistry teacher, Maria Elena Pérez Garro, English teacher. If any one of the teachers leave the project, there are three others to compensate for this gap.

The school is working on Project Based Learning, but it does not have experience in peer to peer strategies apart from the last KA2 project “International Career Centre”. With this project we want to have students able to deal with less capable students. We need to learn how to use these strategies to improve STEM subjects and Language subjects. The school has smart boards or computers and projectors available in all the classrooms. There is an ICT classroom with computers and some laptops to use it the classrooms. The students bring tablets and mobiles when they need to search information in the net. The secondary students need permission to bring the mobile to school. The school has a bilingual program of German and some other subjects such as Physics, philosophy, and history.

English is a compulsory subject but the level of the students varies. The IES PGG is experienced in 3-dimension design and printing.

The IES PGG has already successfully participated in an Erasmus+ KA2 project coordinated by the GaR and has a long tradition of school exchanges.

Dates de l'activitat

Del 24 al 28 de Setembre de 2021

Participants de l'IES Ses Estacions

  • Professors

        • Belén Álvarez

        • Lorena Sánchez