Participants de l'IES Ses Estacions

  • Professors

  • Alumnes

Dates de l'activitat

Del 7 al 13 de març de 2022

Caesar Franck Athenäum (CFA) in Kelmis, Belgium, is a school of the Ministry of the German speaking Community (Ministeriums der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft, DG). About 50 teachers teach around 336 students. The CFA follows the official curriculum of the DG. There are two possibilities for students to reach the A-Level certification: via general education, i.e. with a focus on preparing the students for university studies, or via technical and vocational education, i.e. with a focus on preparing the students for their working life. The CFA offers pedagogical coherence in the students’ education, a positive school environment emphasising pluralism, multilingualism, digital literacy, sustainability, and environmental consciousness. Our school is eager to gain new experiences with Erasmus+. This will help the school getting a new and deeper prospect on the Erasmus+ program and it supports the success of future projects initiated by our school. Our students will be enabled to develop personally, professionally and academically. On the one hand, our students will get in touch with new teaching methods (webinars) and will gain therefore selfconfidence while holding the webinars. On the other hand, our students will travel to the Erasmus+ partner schools and become acquainted with other European schools and their students. The project coordinators at CFA will be Nadine Barth, mathematics teacher, Andreas Wurmseher, teacher of economics and business information technology, and Michael Ernst, head of the school’s media library. They are supported by the following STEM and language teachers: Annick Drösch, Dany Werding, Daniel Milicevic, Mathieu Anciaux, Raphael Walpot, Sandrine Bindels. Thus, the CFA follows the principle of collegiality in order to ensure the project’s progress if one of the coordinators might leave their post in the future. The CFA offers a bilingual program with the language German and French. Students in this program can be awarded the CertiLingua certificate which confirms the students bilingual and intercultural skills and competencies and is accepted at many European universities as a proof for the required language skills. At the CFA, teachers use ICT in the classroom. A Mac-Lab is available to be used. Mathematics teachers use interactive smartboards and software in their lessons, while digital textbooks are used interactively in history. Science lessons take place in the laboratory three to four hours per week. Many students take part in competitions such as the Math’s Olympics and Mathematics without borders. Each year, several days are used to teach students different methods.