En aquest espai es troben tots els projectes eTwinning realitzats en el nostre centre.

En este proyecto los alumnos trabajan el tema del medio ambiente en todas sus vertientes: reciclaje, sostenibilidad, ahorro energético, consumo responsable, estilo de vida saludable pero centrados en nuestros centros para imaginar cómo serían si cambiáramos ciertos hábitos y actitudes.
Cada escuela crea una empresa "real" con funcionarios electos y un rol adecuado para cada estudiante. Como parte de su empresa, los estudiantes diseñarán y crearán souvenirs para representar su lugar, provincia y/o país, todos a partir de materiales reciclables (botellas de plástico, latas, cuerdas para atar enredaderas, cartones, ropa vieja, guijarros, piezas de madera). Los estudiantes investigarán el mercado y decidirán el precio de sus productos, crearán material promocional para la empresa y el producto (cartel, anuncio, sitio web) que contendrá el catálogo de productos con precios, y finalmente presentarán su trabajo. Durante este proyecto, los estudiantes tendrán experiencias reales de uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y lenguas extranjeras en un entorno multicultural.
Healthy Plants for Sustainable Earth

Approaching Differences

Este grupo surge del proyecto Erasmus+ 2018-1-ES01-KA101-049169 Approaching Differences

Electronic Waste Around Us

This project will draw attention to a comprehensive view of the social, environmental and economic aspects of electronic waste (e-waste). We will especially consider the possibilities of reducing, reusing and recycling of e-waste. 


During this project the schools from different countries will exchange ideas on teaching programming in primary education. The main idea of this project is to introduce our students into the world of coding in an attractive way and encourage their creativity. By working on tasks related to various topics, we will try to show our students that coding can be a fun and enjoyable experience. We want our students to develop and grow by using skills of computer-thinking, logical reasoning and problem solving. In this project our students will express their ideas creatively by making animations, animated stories and games.

This is a project where students and teachers from different European countries will cooperate to study and discover the rules which make us correct citizens in a digital world. #eTwCitizen16 Subtopics to work on: 1. On line safety. 2. cyber-bulling 3. Respect of myself and the others when I am online 4. Correct use of my personal device. 5. Copyright.

I would like to begin a project in relation with Valencian ball. There are a lot of Valencian ball games, due basically to the great adaptation of the games to the subordinating of space. The most important game is called “Raspall”, because it is the most applicable in educational centers