A high school in Zaragoza was forced to close because of several abuses to the students, and now the case is resolved.
In high school El picarral, the 12 of April of 1989 an incident happened and they had to close their doors for good.
In a class of third grade some students were doing some projects with Bonifacio (the teacher), when a student (Tesifonte) got mad and started shouting in the middle of the class. The teacher took him out of the class and closed the door. When they returned he was very serious, and Bonifacio started to say to everyone that they needed to continue working. They didn’t know anything more.
The teacher hitting the little kid with a ruler.
We talked to some old students that confirmed us what happened:
Student 1: ”The first time that this happened was a day that i was walking through the corridor and I saw the professor saying to one student that he had to stay in class and that he couldn’t go to the playtime, in that moment i didn’t think that was strange because I thought that he wanted to talk with him about grades and stuff”
Now, we know that when Tesifonte went to the class on the break, Bonifacio arrived and started to hurt him by hitting him with a ruler or grabbing his arm very badly. He told Tesifonte that if he told anything to someone would kill his family, so he kept quiet.
Another student, a friend of Tesifonte, told us something about it.
Friend 1: “Returning home I asked him why he had bruises on his arm after the playground.I sensed that he had fallen and that's what he told me, he explained to me that he had fallen while playing basketball.I found it hard to believe because I didn't see him at break but I didn't ask more because he seemed nervous”
The parents didn’t notice anything because Tesifonte covered them with jackets or coats.
Another day in class the teacher passed near Fandelina and he stepped on her foot making her shout. He took her out of the class and started pulling her hair until she said sorry. When they returned inside no one noticed except Tesifonte who looked to the teacher with anger, knowing what he had probably did.
The days continued like this until one day he was shouting and grabbing by the arm to another student when the headmistress of El Picarral entered the class and saw everything. She knew exactly what was happening and ran to the police. They exposed him to a police car and all the students never saw him again. Because a lot of parents took his kids out of the high school, they needed to close it.
You can’t enter inside because it's all destroyed and people say that on dark nights you can hear the tears of the children that were abused.
Made by Jimena Sanz, Manuela Menés, ilian Bilyi and Teresa Guallar.
On May 20 at the IES El Picarral High School, a clown stood at the break time. When the clown was inside the high school, he started to look all over the high school. The clown stopped in front of a class and entered with a weapon.
Picture of the clown in the street with the only survivor before she escaped.
At that moment there were about 20 guys and girls with the clown in the class. The kids were scared and they were screaming and asked for help. He kidnapped all innocent kids from the class. The clown got out of the high school with the kids of the class in line while he was at the end with a knife to put the kids in the van.
We talked with the head of studies, and he told us everything about his experience and gave us the context of the situation.
One witness of kidnape, could escape to the clown and told us her experience, Rosalind was very scared but she was smart and she can hid of the clown. The police found her and saved her from the clown.
The clown said to Federico, the head of studies that he wants 500.000 euros instead of the kids. If he don't pay him, he will never see the kids again. Federico said that IES EL PICARRAL don't have that amount of money, so he called the police but they are not finding anything in the city. Now the police think he is in another city... even in another country.
Made by Valeria Guarga, Natalia Torres, Paula Sofín and Daniel Ordóñez.
Jack Evans case resolved:a never ended fight
Today the jack Evans case was solved, the prime suspect confessed to the crime of death of the 16 year old Jack Evans who was found dead in the IES El Picarral school grounds, with various gunshot wounds from 10 caliber and 5 knife stabs between his ribs.
Everything started on May 15th in the first part of the day. There was a fight between two students at Ies El Picarral, one was tall and had brown hair, his name was Jack Evans and the other student was blonde, average height and goes to karate classes, his name is Carlos Fernández . The fight start in the hallway during the recess;The exchange student, Carlos Fernández, came to middle school, the girl Madison Smith was interested in Carlos Fernández and liked him, but Jack was her boyfriend and didn't like that so on the 15th May, Jack Evans took Carlos Fernández during the recess and brought him to the hallway where nobody was.
Jack Evans started punching him in the face at which Carlos responded with a kick. Afterwards Jack Evans threatened him with a knife, Carlos fought with him and punched him in the stomach, Jack still tried to stab him but Carlos took the knife and stabbed Jack five times between the ribs and stomach and then shot him with a 10mm Caliber in the legs and torso.
Finally Carlos Fernández brought the body into the bathroom on the sink.
The reason for this was simply a jealous rage, classmates state that Carlos was quite charming but that he was just being friendly with Madison, that when he came she was all over him because he is attractive. This didn’t sound so nice to Jack, he said “he's a nobody compared to me” when he chatted with his friends that agreed with him, and I quote “ to avoid a knockout”. All this Jealousy not not more but because Jack actually liked Madison and that love was not mutual,since Madison fell for Carlos charms pretty quickly.
The prime suspect, Carlos with his confession and the forensics Report brought To us, they have determined that
“The knife wounds were done First from a low angle to attempt to kill him, when the killer saw there were still signs of Life in Jack’s body,he prepared the gun and shot him various times in the legs and the torso, killing completely” this incident they say it was completely clean since there aren’t blood trails so they speculate that the killer premeditated this whole incident preparing fully to make it a clean murder.
By Natalia Castrillón, Moises Malo & Mateo Feticu
Burnt projector, students run!
The students didn't want to stay in class anymore
Something so bad happened yesterday in Zaragoza, the students of 3ESO of a highschool called IES El Picarral burnt the projector of their class, because they didn't want to have an history lesson.
Just as you hear it, yesterday, Monday, 21 of may, some students of the class 3A had the incredible idea to burn their projector because they didn't want another boring history class with their teacher, Marcos. They wanted to escape from the high school but a strange bald man with blue jeans and glasses caught them in the middle of the action. When they were in class another time, seeing that they would be expelled whether they stayed or not, they decided to escape through a wall in the breaktime, but the teacher caught them again.
The highschool the IES el Picarral
When the were in class again, a student said: “I think that we should give up, but I don't want to waste another minute of their life in a history class”, all the students agreed, and one or them said: “I have an idea, let’s steal a lighter and gasoline from one of the teachers and we could burn the proyector''. Other people didn’t want to, but the majority of the students wanted to do that.
They stole a lighter from the English teacher, Sara, and they stole the gasoline from the car of the math teacher, because they saw his car parked in the high school. When they had both things they started to burn their proyector, because they thought that way, their history teacher couldn't explain the presentation. But again, the bald man saw them, but this time they had already burned the projector so their plan worked but the consequences was that they had to pay for a new projector and to be expelled.
The burnt proyector
In conclusion, they had their history class anyway, but the consequences were worse, if they hadn't burned anything, the class would have been less boring. Marcos decided to explain the presentation on the board, so it was even more boring than doing the class in the proyector.
By Paula Monreal, Sheila Ferrando, Kiara Roca
Massive Brawl for a vape
Yesterday, there was an incredible brawl between a group of students from the 3rd ESO. Why did It happen? Because of a vape.
In the Picarral highschool there are many students that have this type of device. They are forbidden by the highschool, but they still have them.
According to the report of the teachers in the incident, and some students, the brawl started with one of the students asking for a drag on his friend but he denied because he didn't have too much left.
Then the first students started to insist and they began to push between them and some friends of both sides started to join and it ended in a massive fight.
This is an image of the fight that had place in the highschool
Its the vape of the brawl
With the passage of time, all the students of the Picarral highschool surrounded the place. The teachers couldn't stop them, so they called the police. The police arrived at the high school and they took testimony from the students, one of them said ”I was going to the corridors and I heard it. In only minutes there were more or less half of the students fighting, it was horrible”. Another student Said that there were some of his friends fighting but he didn't understand why they were fighting.
At the end of the day there were 82 students hurted with cuts and bruises and of those 23 ended up hospitalized, but luckily no one is with his life at the end of the life. Like society we should make parents more responsible with their children and don’t allow them to. Have such things that could make them addicted and have such violent behaviors.
By Marcos Torres,Diego Saz,Mario Lazaro,Remigio Ndong
Belén Esteban
In this photo you can see Belén Esteban with a group of people, she is very famous.
The 5 of May of 2024 Belén Esteban came to the high school and all the students had gone crazy, it all happened in the neighborhood of the Picarral in Zaragoza. She had gone there because she was traveling around all Spain with her family and Zaragoza was a place that they wanted to visit. She visited this school because she is a good friend of Rosana Ciria and she decided to do a favor for her friend. In the high school Belén Esteban teach performing arts.
She said that the school was very good and she had liked it.
One student said “I like how Belén Esteban teach her class”
A lot of people went to the school to see her and they asked for an autograph because their dream was to meet her. In her class she teaches how to dramatize an occasion, how to talk in front of a lot of people and how to be happy always.
Belén Esteban said that it had been a pleasure to teach all the students, finally she cried in the farewell.
Found in a local high school of Zaragoza a secret tunnel, people believe it was used by the Romans when they fought in the zone.
*This is the exit of the tunnel*
In Zaragoza, Spain, on May 24 of 2024 every student and staff at IES were in shock after the discovery of a secret tunnel running through the school's foundations. María said they found the entrance of the tunnel accidentally, some days before, when they were doing a project.
“The tunnel is about 100 meters long, it is constructed of old bricks and I think it leads to an exit”. Theories about the tunnel have quickly proliferated. Marco, a teacher, said he believed it may have been used as a hiding place or as a quick escape route. Another student said it had been used to hide treasures or even for rituals.
The director of the institute, Rocio, stated: "We are surprised and excited by this discovery. As the investigation progresses, we hope to unravel the mystery surrounding this tunnel and its contents."
The find has captured the imagination of the student community and local residents, who are anxiously awaiting the results of the investigation. Meanwhile, the IES has become the center of media attention, attracting journalists and curious onlookers from all over the country.
By Dayana, 24 may 2024, 9:12
By Emma Portoles,Laura Real,Elena Conesa and Elgar Ferrández
Last Friday 24 May in the high school of Zaragoza, doing the break, a missile impacted on the playground of IES El Picarral. When all students were in the playground an unidentified missile impacted in the middle of the high school. Some students were injured because they were in the assembly hall , and the impact of the missile did not reach there. The firefighters say that there were 126 students, 14 teachers and 10 staff dead.
A class after the missile impact.
The students' family did a tribute for the dead student ,they will do a mass the day 15 August at 17:00 h.
The firefighters were searching for 2 days, because there were students who they didn't find.
The objective of the explosion was to steal the safe that was buried in the playground floor. Since in the box there were gold bars and millions of dollars
A student said “it was the worst day of my life”
The family of a dead student said that they had a lost who they never forgotten.
24 May 2024 a missile impacted in the high school el picarral. There was 150 deads
Rosana Ciria teacher best english teacher in Spain
By Víctor Pérez / April 17 2018
Rosana Ciria, the English teacher who was nominated to the contest for the best teacher, working in his class.
The english teacher works in the IES El Picarral at the class 3⁰AB Rosana Ciria, the last week received a Gmail message from the National competition for teachers, the students said “When she received the Gmail message started to scream, but she said that she didn’t scream too high, the contest sent to she the Gmail message because of his students, they said every day that their teacher was the best, and the contest heard all of these students speak and decided to observe how she works.
They said that they saw 3 or 4 classes and in this short time they could see that she deserved the prize.
The English teacher was nominated after working as a teacher for 9 years, other people involved is, his class who were telling how good a teacher she is, the championship which for the first time has been able to be held in Madrid, Spain and the presenters who this year are former winners of this valuable award.
The award for the best teacher in Spain will be presented on 21/6 at the wizink center of Madrid at 18:00 PM so that teachers do not miss class and give it the day after the last day of class.
This award will be awarded on June 21, 2018. Although the nomination came to him on April 10, 2018. She told us that when the email arrived she didn't believe it but after checking the authenticity of the email he got excited.
The contest decided to give she the prize of the contest since in his classes he made all his students learn the lessons and were attentive, is his classes are learned in a fun and she gives a very good treatment to his students and to the other teachers
Like the English teacher Rosana Ciria, was the best teacher at IES el Picarral of Saragoss
a, they sent some viewers and since they saw that she taught very well they decided to nominate her.