Greek/Roman Mythology in Modern Music

Mythology is everywhere! There are thousands of movies, TV shows and musical references that take their name, storyline or theme from ancient mythology.

Allusions to Greek Myths in popular music by Mrs. Rodd

A video that explains and analyzing allusions to Greek Myths in the lyrics of popular songs by artists like Katy Perry, Kanye West, Tal Bachman, Bastille, and Demi Lovato.

Orpheus's wife, Eurydice escapes Aristeus god, then she dies from a snake bite. Orpheus laments bitterly and goes to the underworld to find her, only guided by his love and armed with his music. Orpheus elusive great dangers in the underworld with his supernatural lyrical talent. He travels through the underworld until he finds to Hades and his wife, Persephone. The lords of the underworld like the Orpheus's music and by this reason they release his wife, on one condition, she must go before him without looking back until the sun lights her. Orpheus follows the rule, but to his horror when he returns, she is still in the shade...

This song references Eurydice, who in Ancient Greek legend was the wife of the gifted musician Orpheus. The lyrics about despair, isolation and death were inspired by the story of the mythological lover's attempt to retrieve Eurydice from the underworld after she had died.