Mi casa es tu casa Inca. 23/24

19 - 23 February 2024







Day 1.  Arrival day.  Berliners are welcome to inca.

Introduction to the project.  A sketchbook diary.  

Mindfulnes experience.

Meeting the families.

Day 2.  A train trip to palma with biel, a inca's blind student.

Biel, in collaboration with ONCE, has taught us what it means to him to take a suburban train to make a simple journey.

Once we where there, we played a geo game, based on Ramon Llull arts machina, to visit some of the main sites on a gamification mode.

Sustainability.  Public transport.

Day 3.  A hike around lluc.

The geo game played in Palma, after being solved, guided us to LLuc and its surroundings. 

There the students had to be the designers of a similar game, to close this adventure related to AI Ramon Llull arts magna.

Mindfulness experience.

Sustainability. Public transport.

Day 4visiting amadit esment, a private company with a high focus on inclusion, with our special needs students.

Sharing a day all together, to visit a company whose employees are mostly special needs people.

This company also focus on sustainability. 

Public transport.

Day 5working at the school.  final presentation of the sketchbooks.

Sharing a work day.

Presenting in public.

Last lunch all together on a vegetarian restaurant in Inca.