Mi Casa es tu Casa.  Berlín. 23/24

15 - 19 April 2024







Day 1.  Arrival day.  majorcans are welcome to berlin.

Introduction to the project.  A sketchbook diary.  

Mindfulness experience.

Meeting the families.

Day 2.  Visiting Tränenpalast.    

Tränenpalast is an old frontier past between the two Berlins, east and west, now reconverted into a museum.

Gamification.  A geo game to discovert some of the main sites in Berlin.

Day 3.  Visiting a remaining piece of the wall.

A guided photo game took place.  First a guide explained a bit of history and showed us some pictures of the surroundings area in old time, before, while and after the wall was build.  The the students looked for those places, and took pictures of nowadays.  Later all pictures were shared and discussed.

Day 4.  A guided tour done by a homeless person.  

She told us about her life, how it happens, where she came from, and how it was her life now.

Visiting a museum prepared for blind people.

A guide showed us how the hundbold museum could be visited being blind.  This, and all other experiences where shared online with Biel in Majorca.

Day 5sketchbook final presentation

Worked the whole morning at the school on the diary.

Final presentation in public.

berlin pictures