Berlin - Mallorca partnership on an inclusion project.


To understand diversity and inclusion, it is important to have a good understanding of our society and how it has become the way it is today.

In that way Berlín has always been in continuous change.  Nowadays is a cosmopolitan city mergin all cultures and etnographics with a trepidant life and an incredibly rich history

To illustrate that polyhedral society, some spots of special interest will be visited, and also field work will be done, living the life of their neigthbourhouds and their people througth active visiting.

The final product done by the participants will be a digital map of Berlin, done in a very free and creative way, showing the diversity of the city’s society, through space and time.

DAY 01.  

Welcome ceremony at the school

Charlottenburg tour.  A guided tour around the train station 


Presentation: “Digital apps for the project”(Genially presentation) 

Charlottenburg tour.  A guided tour around the train station to understand the dynamics of the people on this transition place all along different ages, for ex. during WWII 

DAY 02.

VISITING Kreuzberg

Discovering Turkish culture, a gamification activity around the Turkish Market at Kreuzberg. 

Guided  tour “The Myth of Kreuzberg-  From German industrialization to Today” 

DAY 03.

LSDV “Sex in the city” Schöneberg 

Guided tour held by an LEGTV association: LSDV “Sex in the city”. A sexual education rally in Schöneberg, to face hidden facts on the topic. 

Lunch all together at “Kreuzberger Himmel”.  A Syrian refugees association restaurant. 

DAY 04.

Guided tour around historic Berlin 

Guided tour around historic Berlin places: Brandenburger Tor, Memorial to Murdered Jews of Europe, New Synagogue, Jewish High School Moses Mendelsshon, Stolperstein, Museum Blindenwerkstatt Otto Weidt. 

DAY 05.



ping pong tournament



Ping pong tournament.  Last goodbye activity held at the school 

Especial thanks to everyone involved...

Iguácel, Sonja, Paz Fernandez, Ricard, Maria de Bonany, Adrienne Tscherniak, The students, The families... and anyone else not mentioned!!  Thank you for a wonderful and so profitable experience!!

El proyecto "Diver Project" está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta página web es responsabilidad exclusiva del IES Berenguer d'Anoia,  y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.