Halloween is the first celebration of autumn and it dates back to the Celts, who celebrated the end of summer. Then they used to light bonfires and wear costumes to scare the ghosts. Moreover, people used to give food to the dead and that's the origin of trick or treating.

Halloween has evolved into a day of activities : like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats. There are parties at school and kids play traditional games such as pin the tail on the donkey and bobbing for apples.

Our students have been participating in different activities organised by teachers in the PE, GEOGRAPHY, ARTS, ENGLISH and TECHNOLOGY.

You can see some more pictures and watch some video clips here


We have winners for the contest!!! 1st prize is for Minerva Sanmartín Gazulla and 2nd prize is for Fermín Palacín Mayayo. Congratulations!! We want to thank all the participants for their big effort and our teacher Raúl Laplaza for organising the contest. It has been very difficult to choose the best pumpkin!!