
Anteater (Tamanduá Mirim)

Lucas Biehl and Lucas Figur

Scientific name:

The tamanduá mirim is a species from the same family as the ant anteater, the Myrmecophagidae family. This animal's scientific name is Tamandua tetradactyla.

The size and weight of ant anteater:

The baby anteater weights 1,5 kg and the adult weights 8,4 kg. Size of a baby anteater is 34cm and an adult size is 88 cm without the tail.

Anteater, why is it endangered?

Some people hunt it for food or sell it as a pet, predation by dogs is a danger to the emergence of populations of this species.

Ant Anteater

The anteater is one of the three species of the family that occurs in Brazil, with two others being the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) and the anteater (Cyclopes didactylus). When it feels threatened, it is in an upright position, resting on the hind limbs and the tail, leaving the claws of the front legs free to strike any attacker. It usually rests in burrows during the hottest hours of the day. The black spot on its coat gives it the name of vest anteater in some regions.

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