3. Theory of Change

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” - Yogi Berra

Lesson Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for this lesson, other than patience for a repetitive agriculture example.

Lesson Materials

Lesson slides

0. Intro to Theory of Change

If an intervention or evaluation were a building, the Theory of Change would be like the blueprint. It structures much of the evaluation work we do.

1. What is Theory of Change? (part 1)

Theory of Change is a diagram that explains how a program is supposed to work, and how outcomes are supposed to be achieved

2. What is Theory of Change? (part 2)

Theory of Change is a diagram that explains how a program is supposed to work, and how outcomes are supposed to be achieved

3. Why is Theory of Change important

Theory of Change is used for multiple purposes

4. How to make a Theory of Change

There are several steps one can follow to produce a theory of change

5. Theory of Change applications

There are several steps one can follow to produce a theory of change

6. Theory of Change Final Thoughts

There are several steps one can follow to produce a theory of change

7. Theory of Change Conclusion

There are several steps one can follow to produce a theory of change

Banner photo: Theory of Change diagram created by Micah Cruz, Marc Shotland, and Aya Silva.