Sports Overview

ICSUD Athletics

ICSUD Athletics is different from After School Activities (ASA). Athletics is currently only offered to secondary students (7th-12th grade) and teams are based on a tryout system. These teams are initially free, but may have payments throughout the season for things such as jerseys, warm ups, tournaments, etc. These teams have mandatory practices and will compete in games and tournaments against other schools. There may be travelling involved to go compete at other schools. 

Rides and Carpooling to Games

The Athletic Director will coordinate transportation. A student must ride the bus home after an away game, unless the student’s parent has signed the transportation release portion of the permission form or if the parent is present at the game and desiring to take the child home afterwards.

Team Uniforms

The school will provide one set of jerseys for each player. If an athlete loses the uniform, they will have to pay 1,000 baht to the Athletic Director.