Vaccination Policy

ICS realizes that several Covid vaccines have received regulatory approval in a growing range of countries, initially for adults only and more recently for children. Given differences in access and availability in different countries, ICS also realizes that some students, families and employees were able to obtain a vaccine earlier than others.

At ICS, we will maintain our safety protocols and vigilance on and off campus until ICS determines that all students, families and employees have been in a position to obtain a Covid vaccine if they choose to do so. Until that time, all Covid protocols and precautions will remain.

Vaccination Protocols

All ICS students will be eligible to come on to the campus regardless of vaccination status.

No vaccine is 100% effective and ALL persons coming on to the ICS campus will be required to follow all Covid protocols. Once vaccinations are readily available for the majority of the ICS students, employees and families, ICS may consider further changes to the Covid Protocols.

If your student has received the full doses of a reliable FDA, EU or WHO-approved Covid vaccine and provides acceptable proof of getting the vaccine to the health office, then students are able to return to campus without having to quarantine after domestic and international travel, as long as your child is symptom free.

Fully vaccinated students who are exposed to a Covid positive individual will be evaluated by the health office to determine if a quarantine or additional testing is needed. Any student that is not fully vaccinated and has travelled internationally, must maintain a 7 day quarantine and get a negative PCR Covid test, between day 5 and day 7 of quarantine, to return to campus. Students must present their negative PCR Covid test to enter.

No student will be requested or expected to divulge his/her vaccination status, except to the Health Office. Whether or not your student has received the full dose of a Covid vaccine, they must still adhere to ICS Covid protocols including mask wearing, physical distancing and hand-washing / sanitizing.

Regardless of vaccination status and due to the continuing Covid pandemic, no individual showing signs suggestive of COVID-19 may come onto ICS’s campus until symptoms have subsided. Exceptions can be made if a student has approval from the ICS Health Office or they have a doctor’s note stating they are non-contagious.

Vaccination Cards

If you and your children have been vaccinated, please send a photo of your vaccination cards to the Health Office at

Your privacy is important to us and names of all students/parents will be held in the Health Office and not shared or distributed. We want to collect the number of people in our community who are vaccinated to inform our decisions about community access to the campus and for after-school activities and sport offerings.