Contact Tracing

Contact Tracing is the process of quickly identifying, assessing and managing people who have been potentially exposed to a disease to prevent additional transmission.

Once a student, employee or approved visitor is reported to have Covid symptoms or test positive for Covid they are to notify the Health Office.

There are 3 different scenarios:

  1. A symptomatic person will be directed to get a PCR Covid test.

  2. A person directly exposed by a Covid positive person will be given further instructions by the health office depending on a variety of factors.

  3. A Covid positive person must quarantine as stated in the Covid Positive section HERE.

Contact Tracing Process

  • Step 1: Health Office is notified and Health Care Professionals (HCPs) will investigate who has been potentially exposed through asking questions of the index case (the person who tested positive). The HCP may also ask questions of the index case to determine how s/he contracted the virus.

  • Step 2: The HCPs will give further instructions based on the risk level of each case by case situation.

  • Step 3: Parents will be notified for any potentially exposed students and all staff will be expected to notify their supervisor.

  • Step 4: If testing is required, then once quarantine and testing on day 7 is complete all test results will be reported to the Health Office in order to return to campus.

  • All Covid contact tracing will be documented and placed on file in the Health Office.