Goodbye: Jim Laney Jr.

Jim Laney joined ICS in 2005 as the middle and high school principal, and left us after seven years as the Head of School. He and his partner Laura Rollison have moved to India, where Jim is the Head of School at the American Embassy School in New Delhi in the 2017-18 school year.

Definitely not incognito here at ICS!

Many goodbye events for Jim in the spring of 2017:

  • a surprise "roast" hosted by the support staff, with dancing, songs, poems, tributes and lots of raw meat!
  • support staff also organized a first-time visit to Ethiopia from Jim's father, Jim Laney Sr., including a business-class ticket from the US.
  • a farewell open house for all community members, with a few surprise guests (welcome back, Ms. Halsey!), contributions from friends around the world and opportunities for funny/poignant photo memories.

Jim's final "Talking Head" column from the weekly newsletter:

Twelve Years an ICS Eagle

I joined ICS Addis in July 2005 as the Middle and High School Principal. At that time, there were less than 400 students and only 45 teachers. We had an IB Diploma programme, but only a handful of teachers had recent training or good experience in other IB schools, and only 30% of our students participated. There was no Wi-Fi and we had one (old) computer per classroom. We didn’t do any internationally-normed testing to know how students were learning at ICS.

A lot has changed since 2005. There’s a new cafeteria, dozens of new classrooms, and two satellite campuses. We’ve added offices and common areas, and many other classrooms or outdoor spaces have been renovated. The new classroom block and covered sports pavilion will be open for students in August.

The easiest changes to see are the physical changes, but I am more proud of the growth in student learning that ICS teachers have made happen. Across the grades, our reading and mathematics scores are already very high compared international or US norms, and we’re working to make them better. We are including diverse learners whom we would have denied enrollment to, ten years ago. Our IB diploma scores are at or above the world averages, with 95% of our senior students participating. We are purposefully addressing character and learning habits in our curriculum planning. Inquiry, reflection and action are embedded in our teaching and learning.

I have loved working at ICS. Everyone is a learner: teachers, carpenters, administrators, security guards —everyone. ICS is truly a learning organization, where everyone is working to make things better than they were. It’s been gratifying and humbling to be a part of all this growth and improvement. From including diverse learners, to using modern technologies, to new building projects, to innovative teaching and learning, it seems there’s always something that is fresh or better at ICS Addis.

Another reason I loved working here is the community. 30% of our students are new every year. We now have 950 students and almost 125 teachers. The ICS community does a good job of welcoming and including new students, colleagues and parents all the time. It’s a hallmark of our school. I’ve heard our elementary students singing with enthusiasm, “Make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold.” So true, in our internationally mobile community.

ICS Addis will continue in good hands next year, with good continuity in the leadership team and with the new Head of School, Dr. Tim Stuart. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all the people who’ve made ICS such a good program. My two older girls graduated from ICS, and my two adopted daughters began their schooling career in our classrooms.

If I can leave any final words of wisdom, let me finish my tenure by repeating The ICS Way one last time. I hope you will take these words with you into the future, as I know I will…

I can make difference by:

  • Taking care of myself
  • Taking care of others
  • Taking care of this place

Jim Laney Jr.

MS/HS Principal, 2005–2008

HS Principal/Deputy Director, 2008–2010

Head of School, 2010–2017