Education PDUs


Achieving success in your chosen career requires ongoing training and education, which is where professional development comes into play. Also known as continuing education and professional learning, professional development is designed to teach experts and specialist the skills needed to succeed in their respective practice.  Professional development refers to all prior learning, training, certification and education that you needs to succeed in your career. Even if you currently has the necessary skills, you may need additional skills in the future. Through professional development, you can learn these skills to become better, more efficient blockchain practitioner.

Earning your certification is a big step. Maintaining it shouldn’t have to be. Our Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program is designed so you can grow and develop the skills that organizations are seeking — all the while maintaining your certification status.

What are PDUs?

Professional Development Units (PDUs) are one-hour blocks of time that you spend learning, teaching others, or volunteering. By accumulating and tracking these over a three-year period you can maintain your certification status with ICORBP.

Your professional and personal growth starts here

Certification renewal at ICORBP is your opportunity to learn the latest skills that will help you get ahead in your professional life, network with other professionals, as well as share your knowledge and volunteer.

There are two types of professional development units (PDUs) that you can claim towards renewal — Education and Giving Back to the Profession. Under each of these categories are numerous options and, once you’ve satisfied certain educational requirements, the rest is up to you.

Why are there so many options?

We understand that everyone has different goals and interests. Different industries have different requirements as well. Perhaps you want to make a change in career, or learn a new approach — the maintenance of certification is your opportunity to explore new options and new avenues.

Discover some ways that you can earn Education and Giving Back PDUs.