A day of Recycling

Date: July 24, 2022

Time: 10am-12noon

Venue: Hsi Lai Temple

Participant: Students of All Ages


  1. Any single use plastic bags and packaging (chips / cookie bags and any clear plastic bags, plastic wrap)

  2. Plastic bottle caps

  3. Plastic utensils

  4. Cardboard (at least 10" x 10")

Please join Ms. Lisa as she guides you through recycling making projects using plastic and creating a collaborative under water project.

Buddhism has always advocated protecting and not killing life. To protect life and to abstain from killing means respecting all living beings.

All living beings depend on the earth to survive; the earth is humanity’s home. The earth protects our lives and supplies us with resources for survival.

Without the earth, where would humanity and all living beings reside? Thus when the earth is facing devastating damages and gasping for breath, since we regard ourselves as “masters of the myriad creations of this earth,” we must be the first to protect the environment by caring for wildlife and nature, not carelessly killing, planting trees, preventing excessive deforestation, protecting water resources, disposing of waste properly, using commodities sparingly, and recycling.

Contact us

Email: tagschool@hsilai.org

Tel: +1 (626) 961-9697