
Online exhibition reappears


Buddhist Painting, Chan Heart - Venerable Huiyi Calligraphy Exhibition





此外,在書法上,慧義法師也有自己的方法:他利用「摹」的方式,將宣紙放在一個『佛』字上描繪了一天;接著第二天以「臨」的技巧,將『佛』字放在宣紙旁看著寫;第三天進入「觀想」階段,他直接看著空白宣紙,觀想『佛』字由紙上慢慢浮出來後,再行下筆,慧義法師就依此法練字每天超過200次。直至現在,他 10分鐘可寫一幅《心經》、畫一幅荷花水墨畫。然他總是謙虛地說:「只要有民眾喜歡我的塗鴉,甚至因此前來親近道場,我都會在這裡用歡喜心與大眾廣結善緣。歡迎大家常常來抄經堂,體會抄經修持的奧妙。」

Buddhist Painting, Chan Heart

Venerable Huiyi Calligraphy Exhibition

If you’ve ever been to Fo Guang Shan’s Sutra Transcription Hall, you will most assuredly have met a certain venerable, who is always there wielding his brush strokes with ease and serenity, and making good connections with those around him. He is the

Venerable Huiyi, the deputy chief of the Sutra Transcription Hall.

Nine years ago, a devotee from the Fo Guang Shan’s Beihai branch temple shared with Ven. Huiyi the painting he created with techniques he learned from painting class offered by the Fo Guang Shan Open University. At that time, these painting piqued his interest so he picked up his brush and started to paint in similar style . By chance, a Taiwan’s renown Master of Chinese Painting, Mr. Lan Bishan, saw and complimented on Ven. Huiyi’s painting, thus he started to provide his own art works for the venerable to practice on. Over time, Venerable Huiyi’s Chinese paintings have always put viewer in awe .

In addition, in term of calligraphy, Venerable Huiyi also has his own special method:

He uses the ‘trace’ method, placing a piece of paper over the character ‘Buddha’ and

tracing over the character for over a day. On the second day, he uses the ‘sketch’ method,

placing the ‘Buddha’ character next to the paper as he writes the character. On the third

day, he enters the ‘visualize’ level, in which he looks at an empty piece of paper and

visualizes the ‘Buddha’ character rising through the paper before setting his brush on the

Buddhist Painting, Chan Heart - Venerable Huiyi Calligraphy Exhibition


Sinking, Floating, and Awakening -Sacred Buddhist sites and Lotus of India


沉浮、成佛- 佛教聖地與蓮花






2005年7月10日~9月10日《自然與生命》攝影展 — 佛光緣美術館東禪館

2007年《雪域上的光芒》攝影專輯出版 — 到西藏為大型舞台劇「文成公主」取影拍攝及出版專輯。

2008年11月14日~11月23日《視想》攝影展 — 馬來西亞綠野國際會展中心

2015年《正覺之道》記錄專輯攝影 — 參與「正覺之道」記錄片及書籍拍攝工作,前往印度尼泊爾實地拍攝。

2015年6月13日~8月2日《回心轉意》攝影展 — 佛光緣美術館東禪館



回顧展網頁架設中 Retrospective web page under construction



天目佛光 羅森豪陶藝展簡介





Temoku is made of feldspar, limestone, and iron oxide. The more quickly a piece is cooled, the blacker the glaze will be. Temmoku takes its name from theTiān Mù Mountain ( Japanese: tem moku; English: Heaven's Eye) in Zhejiang, China where iron-glazed bowls were used for tea.

During the Song Dynasty ( 960-1179), zen Buddhist Monks from Japan went to Tianmu Mountain for advanced practices and brought Tianmu bolws back with them.

Temmokus are known for their variability. During their heating and cooling, several factors influence the formation of iron crystals within the glaze. A long firing process and a clay body which is also heavily colored with iron increase the opportunity for iron from the clay to be drawn into the glaze. While the glaze is molten, iron can migrate within the glaze to form surface crystals, as in the "oil spot" glaze, or remain in solution deeper within the glaze for a rich glossy



回顧展網頁架設中 Retrospective web page under construction