3.10.22 - 14.10.22

Band yr wythnos / Band of the week:

Ein band yr wythnos hon yw Los Blancos , hoff fand Miss E Williams. Cliciwch ar y rhestr chwarae isod i glywed rhai o ganeuon y band. / Our band of the week is Los Blancos, Miss Williams' favourite Welsh band. Click on the link below to hear some of their songs.

Band yr wythnos - EW

Ein patrymau iaith  / Our language patterns:

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i weld patrymau iaith y pythefnos (pythefnos 3). / Click on the link below to see the language patterns of the next fortnight ( fortnight 3). 

Hanner tymor 1 - 2022- 2023.pdf
Patrwm iaith - oes .. gyda ti?
Berfau presennol

Gwyliwch y clipiau fideo isod am gymorth gyda'r Gymraeg. Watch the video clips below for help with the language patterns.

Loom Message - 21 September 2022.mp4
Loom Message - 3 October 2022.mp4

Gêm buarth Cymraeg  /  Welsh Language games :

Hoffech chi ennill mwy o docynnau iaith? Ewch ati i chwarae gêm  buarth yr wythnos hon ar yr iard neu adref gyda'ch ffrindiau a'ch teuluoedd. Tynnwch luniau er mwyn i ni gael eu rhannu ar Twitter. (@ygcwmbran)

Would you like to win more language tokens? Play the game on the yard or at home with your friends and family.  Take photographs and share them with us on Twitter. (@ygcwmbran)

Rhigwm sgipio
Gem 'Oes ... gyda ti?