17.10.22 - 28.10.22

Band yr wythnos / Band of the week:

Band yr wythnos - HW

Yr artist yr wythnos hon yw Bryn Fôn , hoff fand Miss H Williams. Cliciwch ar y rhestr chwarae isod i glywed rhai o ganeuon yr artist. / Our artist of the week is Bryn Fôn. Miss H Williams' favourite Welsh band. Click on the link below to hear some of his songs.

Mae BBC sounds wedi dechrau rhoi awr o gerddoriaeth Gymraeg at ei gilydd bob mis. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wrando ar y cerddoriaeth./ BBC Sounds has created a playlist of Welsh music for you to listen to at home. Click on the link below.

Ein patrymau iaith / Our language patterns:

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i weld patrymau iaith y pythefnos (pythefnos 3). / Click on the link below to see the language patterns of the next fortnight ( fortnight 3). 

Hanner tymor 1 - 2022- 2023.pdf
ymadroddion mynegi barn.mp4
Patrwm iaith - oes .. gyda ti?

Cliciwch ar y sleidiau isod am gymorth gyda'r Gymraeg. Look at the slide below for help with the language patterns.

Cymraeg ar dy Dafod Gogledd LLAWN (1).pdf

Ein gemau iaith / Our language games:

gem buarth ca2
gem cyfnod sylfaen