12 Egwyddor / 12 Principles
Caiff y broses o gynllunio cwricwlwm ar gyfer pob dysgwr ei hategu gan deuddeg egwyddor addysgegol, sy'n datgan bod dysgu ac addysgu da yn:
canolbwyntio’n gyson ar ddibenion cyffredinol y cwricwlwm
rhoi her i’r holl ddysgwyr drwy eu hannog i gydnabod pwysigrwydd ymdrechu'n barhaus i gwrdd â disgwyliadau sy'n uchel, ond o fewn eu cyrraedd
defnyddio cymysgedd o ddulliau sy’n cynnwys addysgu uniongyrchol
defnyddio cymysgedd o ddulliau gan gynnwys y rheini sy'n hybu sgiliau datrys problemau, sgiliau creadigol a’r gallu i feddwl mewn modd beirniadol
golygu gosod tasgau a dewis adnoddau sy'n adeiladu ar wybodaeth a phrofiad blaenorol ac yn ennyn diddordeb
creu cyd-destunau dilys ar gyfer dysgu
dilyn egwyddorion asesu ar gyfer dysgu
ymestyn oddi mewn ac ar draws y Meysydd
atgyfnerthu yn rheolaidd y sgiliau trawsgwricwlaidd, sef llythrennedd, rhifedd a chymhwysedd digidol, ac yn darparu cyfleoedd i'w hymarfer
annog dysgwyr i gymryd cyfrifoldeb cynyddol am eu dysgu eu hunain
hybu datblygiad cymdeithasol ac emosiynol a chydberthnasau cadarnhaol
hybu cydweithio
Er mwyn cefnogi'r cwricwlwm, dylai addysgeg helpu dysgwyr i ddatblygu:
ymagwedd gadarn i ddysgu
sgiliau metawybyddol cadarn
sgiliau datrys problemau beirniadol a chreadigol
sgiliau cyfathrebu effeithiol iawn
Mae'r amgylchedd dysgu yn ysgogwr allweddol ar gyfer y cwricwlwm. Dylai:
annog dysgwyr i fod yn annibynnol, i fynegi eu barn am eu dysgu eu hunain, ac i gymryd mwy o gyfrifoldeb amdano
cynnwys pob dysgwr
rhoi cyfleoedd dysgu dilys i ddysgwyr o bob oed, a hynny dan do ac yn yr awyr agored
galluogi dysgwyr i gymhwyso, defnyddio, cyfnerthu ac ymestyn sgiliau
bod yn gyson ac yn ddiogel
Er mwyn cefnogi hyn, dylai ein staff:
feithrin cydberthnasau cadarnhaol a llawn parch â dysgwyr a chefnogi cydberthnasau da rhwng cyfoedion
ymateb i bob dysgwr
cynllunio cyfleoedd dysgu datblygiadol briodol, wedi'u llywio gan waith arsylwi rheolaidd ac asesiadau parhaus o ddysgu a chyfnod datblygu’r dysgwr
annog dysgwyr i feddwl am eu dysgu a myfyrio arno er mwyn ymestyn eu dealltwriaeth a chreu cysylltiadau
herio dysgwyr a phennu disgwyliadau uchel ohonyn nhw
ymgysylltu'n weithredol â rhieni, gofalwyr a'r gymuned ehangach fel partneriaid dysgu
bod yn fyfyriol a cheisio achub ar gyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol parhaus
Curriculum design for all learners is underpinned by twelve pedagogical principles, which state that good learning and teaching:
maintains a consistent focus on the overall purposes of the curriculum
challenges all learners by encouraging them to recognise the importance of sustained effort in meeting expectations that are high but achievable for them
means employing a blend of approaches including direct teaching
means employing a blend of approaches including those that promote problem-solving, creative and critical thinking
sets tasks and selects resources that build on previous knowledge and experience and engage interest
creates authentic contexts for learning
means employing assessment for learning principles
ranges within and across Areas
regularly reinforces the cross-curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence, and provides opportunities to practise them
encourages learners to take increasing responsibility for their own learning
supports social and emotional development and positive relationships
encourages collaboration
To support the curriculum, pedagogy should help learners to develop:
a strong disposition to learning
strong metacognitive skills
critical, creative, problem-solving skills
highly effective communication skills
The learning environment is a key enabler for the curriculum. It should:
encourage learners to be independent, to have a say in their own learning and to take increasing responsibility for it
include all learners
allow learners of all ages to experience authentic learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors
enable learners to apply, use, consolidate and extend skills
be secure and safe
To support this, our staff should:
form positive and respectful relationships with learners and support good relationships between peers
respond to all learners
plan engaging and developmentally appropriate learning opportunities informed by regular observation and ongoing assessment of learning and the learner’s stage of development
prompt learners to think about and reflect upon their learning in order to extend thinking and make connections
challenge learners and have high expectations
actively engage with parents, carers and the wider community as partners in learning
be reflective and seek to engage in ongoing professional learning.