How can I learn Welsh alongside my child?

Would you like to improve your Welsh?

  • Have you spoken Welsh at school but are now less confident in using the language?

  • If you are considering your own Welsh language journey, here are some useful sources of information that you may find helpful. Whatever your level, there are options for you.

The National Centre for Learning Welsh provides a series of language learning options at five different levels: Entry, Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced and Proficiency. The centre offers locally available language learning classes or try some of their 10 minute beginner taster lessons.

Duolingo promotes language learning through game-like experiences and is a popular way to learn Welsh informally.

SaySomethingInWelsh is a free online course that focuses on helping people learn to speak and understand Welsh. It avoids complex grammar and reading / writing rules.

Encouraging your children to speak Welsh socially will help them develop their confidence and fluency.

Boost the confidence

Familiar with the language but lacking confidence in using it? There is a wide range of technological tools to support language development and accuracy. Here are some tips!

Spelling and grammar checker online. Type or paste text into the box and it will check your work immediately.

This software package, which checks for spelling and grammar, has been released for free by a partnership between Bangor University and the Welsh Government.

This resource provides standard terminology for the field of education. These are the terms to be used in all kinds of resources for teachers and students as well as in Welsh-medium examinations.

Don't forget about the impressive Ap Geiriaduron app. Once downloaded to your device, you do not need a web connection to use this comprehensive English> <English dictionary.

We all sometimes doubt our use of the mutations ... Is it the soft, nasal or the aspirate mutation that is needed? This app can help you!

This software is available free of charge. It allows you to place a circumflex (^) on letters. By pressing 'Alt Gr' and the vowel, you will get, ê, î, ô, û, ŵ or ŷ straight away!