What is the journey through Welsh-medium education?

Welsh-medium education is available across Pembrokeshire - from nursery through to post-16 and will support children to become bilingual in both Welsh and English.

By choosing Welsh-medium education your child will achieve fluency in both Welsh and English.

Welsh-medium education is offered across Pembrokeshire within a reasonable distance to your home.

Welsh is the main language of the classroom and the schoolyard in these schools.

Your child will study and socialise in Welsh.

Regardless of home language, your child will be able to transfer easily to Welsh medium secondary provision and by the end of Key Stage 2 will have reached a standard in English equivalent to that reached by pupils in predominantly English medium schools.


Even in the womb, babies can hear voices and music. So if you’re keen to raise your child bilingually, now’s the time to start speaking and singing in Welsh to your baby. Click here for more support.


If you’re choosing Welsh-medium education, there’s plenty of support available to give your child a solid foundation from an early age.

Clwb Cwtsh is a fun-filled, eight-week taster programme focusing on speaking Welsh with young children. It’s aimed at parents to be, parents/carers and extended family members. You don’t need to be able to speak or understand any Welsh to join, so why not give it a go?

The Cymraeg for Kids programme offers practical support for you as parents to use Welsh with your child. They offer fun, free Welsh-medium activities including baby massage sessions, baby yoga and story and song time. They are a great opportunity for parents to socialise and start using Welsh with your baby. There is no need to be a Welsh speaker to participate - everyone is welcome. These sessions are held in locations across Pembrokeshire. Click here to contact Pembrokeshire's Cymraeg i Blant team.

The purpose of the cylch Ti a Fi is to offer parents and carers an opportunity meet regularly to enjoy playing with their children and socialise over a cuppa! The cylch Ti a Fi provides activities promoting the development of children from birth to school age. It’s a brilliant opportunity for parents/carers to meet to socialise and share experiences in an informal Welsh atmosphere. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy yourself – and don’t worry if you don’t speak Welsh as everyone is welcome at the cylch Ti a Fi!

Cylch Meithrin (Playgroup)

Cylch Meithrin is a Welsh-medium Playgroup. With over 40 years of experience in early years care and education, and over 1,500 qualified and friendly staff working in the Cylchoedd Meithrin throughout Wales, you can rest assured that your child will receive the best possible care and education at your local cylch meithrin. The aim of the Cylch Meithrin is to promote the education and development of children from two years old to school age. Children will be able to learn through play and socialise under the guidance of professional, qualified and dedicated staff.



Welsh-Medium Education at Primary School

Children develop their language skills in various fun and practical activities in the Foundation Phase. Oral experiences are used to help them to develop their reading and writing skills. They are immersed in Welsh up to the age of seven.

Welsh continues to be the main teaching medium at Key Stage 2. English is introduced at Year 3 and by the end of year 6, children will have reached a standard in English equivalent to that reached by pupils in predominantly English medium schools.

Click here for a list of our primary schools where you can child can become fluent in both Welsh and English.

We have dedicated language centres in Pembrokeshire for primary children who have recently moved to the area or would like to move to a Welsh-medium education. Our language centres will support your child’s transition to their new school by providing Welsh language instruction and support.


Welsh-Medium Education at Secondary School

To make sure learners keep and develop their skills in Welsh and English it is important that they continue to access Welsh-medium education at secondary school. Children from Welsh medium primaries will be able to transfer easily to Welsh medium secondary provision regardless of home language.

In exactly the same way as in primary school, Welsh and English are taught as individual subjects in Welsh-medium education.Other subjects as well as extra- curricular activities are taught through the medium of Welsh, and also extracurricular activities. In this way, the young person’s bilingualism is maintained and developed throughout his education.


6th form at Ysgol y Preseli

Your child can choose to attend 6th form to study a range of courses through the medium of Welsh. Studying Welsh as an A Level subject could open doors to careers in lots of different areas, including health, sport, education, journalism, marketing, finance, science, design, and much, much more.

Pembrokeshire College

The college offers a range of opportunities to develop and consolidate Welsh language skills. From completing aspects of the main qualification in Welsh to taking part in Welsh-themed social activities, the Welsh language team is here to guide and support your child. We have dedicated Bilingualism support tutors and a team of Llysgenhadon Cymraeg who are on hand to help your child with their Cymraeg journey.

Teachers or careers advisers will be able to discuss options and how Welsh can tie in with any university courses, jobs or careers your child might be considering

Higher Education

No matter what your child ends up doing, the Welsh language will always be a benefit, whether they're staying in or Wales moving to the other side of the world. Being bilingual can also help them learn other languages and always looks good on a CV.

Welsh-medium courses have increased over the past few years – both in traditional academic areas and more vocational subjects too. There are over 500 courses to choose from – law, design, history, business, physics, and nursing to name a few. Choosing to study through the medium of Welsh at university will enhance your child's career and study options as well as open the door to a new world at university and beyond.

The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol works with further education and universities across Wales to ensure and develop more Welsh-medium opportunities for learners, students, and apprentices in Wales. They can support your child to find suitable courses. Did you know? You can apply for funding to study through the medium of Welsh at universities across Wales. The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol offers scholarships to undergraduate students who wish to pursue degree courses at universities across Wales.

World of Work

Speaking two languages is an extra skill to put on your application form

Jobs advertised in Wales often ask for Welsh as essential or desirable. If you have Welsh language skills and the other candidates trying for a job don’t then you’re already one step ahead. All public sector organisations in Wales have to provide Welsh language services so this makes Welsh-speaking employees an asset to companies.

Did you know?

82% of businesses in Wales say that using the Welsh language adds value to their services. An increasing number of employers are looking for staff with bilingual skills.

A study by Professor Andrew Henley revealed that employees who can speak both Welsh and English earn between eight and 10% more than their monolingual counterparts.