Canolfan Iaith
Y Cwm
Agored i hwyrddyfodiaid o bob cefndir.
A welcome to all Welsh-language newcomers from all backgrounds.
Course Details
*Age range 7-11
* Length of course - 11 weeks
* 4 days immersion at the Unit
* Returning to school every Friday
* Experienced teachers who are specialists in their field.
* Low teacher pupil ratio
* Innovative resources that provide rich learning experiences.
Manylion y Cwrs
*Oed 7 - 11
* Hyd - 11 wythnos
* 4 diwrnod yn yr Uned
* Pob dydd Gwener yn eich ysgol
* Athrawon profiadol arbenigol
* Cymhareb staffio hael
* Adnoddau arloesol sy’n sicrhau profiadau dysgu cyfoethog
Cynlluniwyd cwrs bywiog, llawn hwyl wedi’i strwythuro’n ofalus i sicrhau datblygiad ieithyddol.
Excellent carefully structured course written to ensure and provide a strong basis for further language development. Fun, lively, multimedia, and cross-curricular.
Actio - Acting
Teithiau Ymchwilio -Investigative Trips
Defnyddio'r iaith at bwrpas - Use the language in the community
Gwaith Celf - Art
Technoleg - Technology
Gemau Bwrdd - Board Games
Ariennir y Ganolfan gan Wasanaethau Addysg Castell Nedd Port Talbot - NID oes unrhyw gost i chi.
The Centre is funded by Neath Port Talbot Education Service - there is NO cost to you.

Cysylltwch â ni
Canolfan Iaith y Cwm, Ysgol Gymraeg Pontardawe, Alltacham Drive, Pontardawe Abertawe, SA8 4JX
01792 862136
Contact Us
Canolfan Iaith y Cwm, Ysgol Gymraeg Pontardawe, Alltacham Drive, Pontardawe, Swansea, SA8 4JX
01792 862136