Application Forms and Documents
Ffurflenni Cais a Dogfennau
Ffurflen 'Cais am le' / Application form
I'w lenwi gan yr YSGOL yn unig. / This form is for school use only;
if you, as a parent, would like to express your interest or inquire about language centre courses, please contact your child's school.
Ffurflen Cais am le Rhieni Parental Consent Form
To be completed by a parent / guardian following confirmation of successful application by the school.
Cyfathrebu Rhwng y Ganolfan Iaith ac Athrawon
Communication between the language centre and schools (translation below)
Mae cyd-weithio gydag athrawon y disgyblion yn holl bwysig. Dyma sut rydym yn meithrin cyfathrebiad a chymorth effeithiol:
Ymweliadau Cychwynnol:
Bydd staff y ganolfan iaith yn ymweld â'ch ysgol i gyflwyno eu hunain i’r athro ac i’r disgybl. Yn ystod yr ymweliad hwn, byddant yn rhoi trosolwg byr o'r hyn i'w ddisgwyl pan fydd disgybl yn cyrraedd y ganolfan.
Diweddariadau Rheolaidd:
Byddwn yn darparu diweddariadau ar gynnydd pob disgybl trwy luniau, fideos, ac adroddiadau wythnosol yn manylu pa batrymau iaith a geirfa a addysgir yr wythnos honno. Rydym yn eich annog i drafod y diweddariadau hyn gyda'ch disgybl i wella’r profiad dysgu.
Blog Dosbarth:
Bydd blog dosbarth a fydd yn cynnwys uchafbwyntiau o'n gweithgareddau a disgrifiadau o'r sgiliau iaith a ymarferwyd. Bydd yr adnodd hwn yn eich cynorthwyo i ddatblygu iaith barhaus y disgybl yn eich ystafelloedd dosbarth eich hun.
Dilyniant Ôl-gwrs
Ar ôl i’r cwrs ddod i ben, bydd aelod o dîm ein canolfan iaith yn ymweld â’ch ystafell ddosbarth i adrodd ar gynnydd pob disgybl ac i drafod targedau ar gyfer eu datblygiad yn y dyfodol.
Rydym yn gwahodd athrawon i gysylltu â’r ganolfan iaith unrhyw bryd yn ystod y cwrs i drafod unrhyw faterion neu bryderon. Rydym yma i'ch cefnogi ac i sicrhau profiad dysgu cadarnhaol i'ch disgyblion.
English Translation
Communication Between the Language Centre and Teachers
At our language centre, we value the collaboration with the teachers of our visiting students. Here’s how we foster effective communication and support:
Initial Visit
Staff from the language centre will visit your childs classroom to introduce themselves to both teachers and students. During this visit, they will provide a brief overview of what to expect when students arrive at the centre. -
Regular Updates:
We will provide updates on each student’s progress through pictures, videos, and weekly reports detailing the language skills being taught. We encourage you to discuss these updates with your students to enhance their learning experience. -
Class Blog
We are excited to launch a class blog that will feature highlights from our activities and descriptions of the language skills practiced. This resource will assist you in continuing language development in your own classrooms. -
Post-Course Follow-Up
After the course concludes, a member of our language centre team will visit your classroom to report on each student's progress and discuss future targets for their development.
We invite teachers to contact the language centre anytime during the course to discuss any issues or concerns. We are here to support you and ensure a positive learning experience for your students. Thank you for your ongoing partnership! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Cyfathrebu Rhwng y Rhieni, y Ganolfan Iaith a'r Athrawon Ysgolion
Communication between the language centre, parents and school (translation below)
Mae cyfathrebu cryf rhwng y ganolfan iaith, athrawon dosbarth, a rhieni yn hanfodol i gefnogi plant ar eu taith dysgu iaith. Dyma sut rydym yn cydweithio i feithrin y berthynas hon:
Ap Seesaw:
Mae athrawon dosbarth yn derbyn diweddariadau ar waith myfyrwyr trwy ap Seesaw, sy'n caniatáu iddynt olrhain cynnydd pob plentyn yn hawdd. Gall rhieni gysylltu ag ysgol y plentyn i weld y fideos a'r lluniau sy'n cael eu rhannu ar yr ap.
Cyfathrebu Agored
Anogir rhieni i estyn allan drwy e-bost neu dros y ffôn ar gyfer ymholiadau a phryderon.
Cyfarfodydd ac Ymweliadau
Gall rhieni drefnu ymweliadau â’r ganolfan iaith neu drefnu cyfarfodydd ar-lein i drafod cynnydd eu plentyn.
Dull Cydweithredol
Mae cyfathrebu parhaus rhwng y ganolfan iaith a'r athrawon dosbarth yn sicrhau bod anghenion pob plentyn yn cael eu diwallu'n effeithiol. Gall rhieni rannu unrhyw bryderon, negeseuon, neu ddiweddariadau cyffrous y mae eu plentyn yn dymuno eu cyfathrebu â staff y ganolfan iaith trwy'r athrawes ddosbarth. Mae ganddyn nhw hefyd yr opsiwn i estyn allan yn uniongyrchol trwy e-bost neu ffôn ar gyfer cyfathrebu ychwanegol.
Trwy’r ymdrechion cydweithredol hyn, rydym yn grymuso rhieni ac yn gwella datblygiad iaith plant, gan greu amgylchedd addysgol cefnogol.
English Translation
Strong communication between the language centre, class teachers, and parents is essential for supporting children in their language learning journey. Here’s how we collaborate to foster this relationship:
Seesaw App:
Class teachers receive updates on student work through the Seesaw app, which allows them to easily track each child's progress. Parents can contact the child's school to view the videos and pictures shared on the app..
Open Communication
Parents are encouraged to reach out via email or phone for inquiries and concerns.
Meetings and Visits
Parents can arrange visits to the language centre or schedule online meetings to discuss their child's progress.
Collaborative Approach
Ongoing communication between the language centre and class teachers ensures each child's needs are met effectively.. Parents can share any concerns, messages, or exciting updates that their child wishes to communicate with the language centre staff through the class teacher. They also have the option to reach out directly via email or phone for additional communication.
Through these collaborative efforts, we empower parents and enhance children's language development, creating a supportive educational environment.