Team Squash

Team Squash

We currently run 5 teams in the Squash Wales leagues, including an E Team for the Juniors to begin their journey into Senior Team Squash. 

To see how we are doing, see the match reports for each team in their links, or check out the leagues on the League Master website. 

Spring 2023 – A Season Review - May 2023

Merthyr E Team 

At the turn of the year our development team, a team of junior players, made their debut in the South Wales leagues and had their first experience of team squash. The simple aims for the team were to have fun; whilst learning more about themselves and gaining valuable match experience. Not only have these aims been achieved as all the boys have had lots of court time, but the group have learned what it means to support each other, work as a team and have the right attitude.  Won 4 and Lost 6 leading to a mid-table finish with some solid results along the way, including a win over local rivals and top half finishers Hirwaun, and picking up maximum points away at the University are stand out moments for the season. Well done boys, the club are looking forward to seeing how much more you can progress during the off season. Keep up the great work! 

Merthyr D Team 

A proper squad game in the D Team, using no fewer than 10 players. A policy of rest and rotation was the way forward to cover many injuries, international duties and other commitments. It’s been an up and down season for the D Team as the league has been a lop-sided and top heavy. Game time for new team players the positive, along with a few strong results against traditionally tough opposition; however long-term injuries and heavy defeats the negatives. It always a good night shared with Maesteg who were the closest rivals this season in a battle that went right to the last game of the season. Onwards and upwards for the D Team and hopefully progressing onto a sustained promotion push next year. Fingers crossed! 

Merthyr C Team  

It was always going to be a tight season with three equally matched teams fighting for two promotion spaces. And so it proved that with only 2 weeks to go, all three teams were still in with a shout of going up, indeed Merthyr C were perhaps even 3rd favourites. A strong finish assisted by some lower end quality from the D Team, along with mistakes from others meant in the end it was quite comfortable. Only some sloppy mistakes earlier in the season, losing players to the B Team, and an unsettled line up stopped the C Team being crowned champions. A season to be remembered, but also one that could have brought so much more. 

Merthyr B Team 

After scraping league survival last year, and against teams of great strength in depth it was a daunting task for the B Team to do any better this season. And so it proved as the team travelled half way around South Wales looking for the type of morale boosting victory that is hard to come by. The promotion of players from the C Team, and some strong individual performances meant the second half of the season was marginally more successful, but unfortunately the team had left themselves with just a little too much to do at the close. A pre-season reshuffle and the possibility of some strong recruitment will hopefully lead to the team fighting back where they should be soon.

Merthyr A Team 

Would the dream of back-to-back promotions and Premier 1 squash actually happen? Off to a flying start at the beginning of the season and the dream looked like becoming a reality. But then it all went wrong when club number 1 BabyFace Poole’s horrendously injured his knee. Playing out of position is always difficult, but when the club number 1 is missing it makes everyone’s jobs harder as the team found out with unlikely reverses against Llanelli and Cardiff. Abergavenny fielding ineligible players and being docked serious points raised expectations again but losing away in Llandelio put the final nail in the coffin for the teams dream. Looking back over the season however, a third-place finish for a newly promoted team means, in spite of the disappointment of ended 11 points short, the season can still be classed as a success. 

1st April Update

A lot has happened during the of March, and yet not too many fixtures have been played.

The juniors of the E Team have suffered defeats with tough matches against a strong St Mellons side and the doctors from the hospital looking for revenge from earlier in the season, but despite these reverses in fortune, the application and attitude of the boys always impresses. What is particularly pleasing is that this has started being noticed the opposition players and spectators. Regardless of what the current run of difficult results suggests, this group continues to grow and develop, both on the court and as a group of friends off the court.

Key Fixture Remaining – Hirwaun D (H) Tuesday 18th April.

The D Team have continued their up and down season in much the same vein of form. After a superb win away in Maesteg with great wins from Spiderman, The Juggernaut and Digits, it was hoped that it would kick start a run of consistency that would push to a positive finish, however it was followed by a low of losing at home to Llanishen in spite of battling performances from The Mummy and The Fixer. The Golden Child and Dan the Man then brought home the win against UHW. All this leaves it delicately poised for a final game top half shootout against Maesteg.

Key Fixture Remaining – Maesteg B (H) Wednesday 3rd May.

The C Team have had a quiet month, only playing twice. A close defeat to Hirwaun and dominant win over Porthcawl means that promotion is still the dream. Solid performances from regulars Energizer, Trollies and Silky means a winner take all fixture against Cardiff University will make or break the season for the C Team.

Key Fixture Remaining – Cardiff University B (A) Thursday 20th April.

The B Team are making progress in their plight to stay in the division picking up only a few, but what could be vital points along the way. ‘Double HO’ Hampson being promoted from the C Team has certainly strengthened and added more steel to the team. Strong performances from Sam, and the continued good form of the Illusionist with some solid captain’s innings show positive signs lie ahead. As does a gradual return to form and fitness for Smiler who is starting to get back to the form of old. Let’s just hope the win against fellow relegation strugglers Llantrisant is not too little too late.

Key Fixture Remaining – Rhiwbina E (H) Wednesday 26th April.

Our Premier A Team seem to be sat on a rollercoaster this season. They’ve just experienced the lows of missing the inspirational BabyFace through injury and the defeats as a result to emerging on the other side and climbing back up the ride for hopefully the rush finishing the season well. Individually it has also been up and down this month with both strong performances and disappointing results for The Butler and The Matador characterising March perfectly. Division winners may just be out of reach now, but a strong performance against Rhiwbina may hopefully be enough to clinch second spot and promotion. Stay tuned!

Key Fixture Remaining – Rhiwbina (H) Thursday 20th April.

2nd March Update

If we all made progress in our games at the same rate as our E Team juniors are progressing, then we would be a club full of world champions! From even a month ago at the point of our last mid season report, many of the boys are unrecognisable in their style of play and confidence within their developing game. In terms of team results its been a case of feast or famine this month. Heavy reverses against local rivals Hirwaun, and table topping DL Cardiff sandwich a convincing win against the students from Cardiff University. Big wins from the Ninja Warrior and Kidog, along with strong performances from SoS and The Rocketeer give cause for optimism. Dan the Man and the GiinjaNinja have improved their game through hard work and are beginning to think more about shot placement. Even Ironside has started to contribute to the points tally! Perhaps the most pleasing aspect of the season so far has been feedback from opposing teams commenting on how refreshing it is to see a team of such talented, but more importantly, respectful juniors. Keep up the good work boys!

Sublime or ridiculous would descrbe how the season is going for the D Team. 18 points against UHW and convincing wins for The Ferrite Machine, Digits and the Golden Child righted the wrong of the first weeks result. A heavy loss against the table toppers from Penarth was followed by 19 points and big wins from The Mummy and The Texan. A bit more consistency in the upcoming fixtures, and the return to court for some of the more experienced players should hopefully cement a top half of the table finish.

It's always a warm welcome at Porthcawl, and perhaps the relaxed atmosphere helped as the C Team recorded a comfortable victory; The Juggernaut and The Fixer ably standing in to help out and back up Double HO with a convincing win. Regrettably, this win couldn’t be backed up with a result at home against Cardiff University who, despite some solid performances were defeated against fellow title challengers. The main hope now is that as Sam has been tied to the B Team, the form of the C’s can continue and the push for promotion sustained.

Consistency is not something that has deserted the B Team this season, unfortunately, the only thing consistenly added to has been the ‘games lost’ column. Having said that, there has been an upturn in form over the last week as ground has been made up on the teams ahead with wins over Rhiwbina and Cowbridge. Wins for Smiler and an return to form for The Illusionist have been key to this upturn in results. Now to hope that the addition of Sam and continued improved performances will lead to league safety.

Noone can stand in the way our title chasing A Team it seems, except ourselves. Win-Win-Win-Win, with incredible performances along the way from the whole team, BabyFace doing his normal Baby Face things, showboating and winning without breaking sweat, The Matador during his once a week matches, The Butler serving up some lengthy, and impressive games against quality opposition and 20/20 producing the goods when it matters but in particular Mr Orange beating players twice his recorded ability; the A Team were looking for a clean sweep in February, and then disaster struck. BabyFace thought it would be a good idea to try and improve his already incredible game by going and playing in a weekend PSA Satellite competition. Little did we know that it would prove to be disastrous and instead he spent the weekend in A&E! Fingers crossed the injury isn’t too bad and a return to fitness will come sooner rather than later for both Lewis’ sake, and that of the team.

3rd February Update

The new season brings with it a new team for Merthyr Squash Club. Full of promise, full of exciting talent, full of hope for the future; but under the expertise of head coach Babyface Poole and vast experience of mentor Ironside Poole, what will the E Team be able to deliver in the present? The disappointment of a close opening day defeat soon gave way optimism for the short term as Rhys SoS showed incredible promise in the tough number one spot, and Kidog Lewis showed the drive for victory and killer instinct of a player way beyond his years in the team debut vs St Mellons. The experience from last season Dan the Man now possesses, and the excitement brought by The Rocketeer Roberts in the match against the Medics brought success, and add to the mix the pace and power of the Gethin the GingaNinja, and the skill of the Ninja Warrior Baldwin and the team could suddenly become a force.

Some new recruits and a returning legend add to an already exciting squad of players and hopes remain as high as always for a strong season, however little can be said about Merthyr D so far as, due to a restructuring of the league, they have only played 1 game. Away to Llanishen and what a way to come back to reality!  In testing conditions, only Phil 'Digits' left with credit in the bank as others couldn't adapt to the strong opposition quickly enough.

Would the disappointment of missing out on promotion by two single points before Christmas hinder or help the push for success within the C Team? Two comprehensive victories from the opening pair of matches shows the ambition and desire is still there. Notable performances by Trollies against Hirwaun and The Fixer away in St. Mellons to add to the consistent showings from Double HO and Energizer has bred the early and unshakable belief the boys can go one better this season.

Skin of the teeth would be a good description of how the B Team avoided relegation last season. Hopes of an injury free return at number one for Smiler and a more settled team led to high hopes once again. A convincing defeat to a strong Cardiff D showed a lot of promise as Smiler and Spanners found their way back into team squash. This was backed up against another strong Bridgend team with the Pirate earning important points. And then came the strongest team in the league, let's not say too much about that one! With the best 3 teams all played, the hope is points can be gained against the teams around us.

After promotion last season, surely the first season in the Premier should be all about survival...right? Has anyone told the A Team this? As expected, Babyface hasn't had to break sweat yet, but has been ably supported by huge wins from The Matador Edwards and Archie Orange DC against Cardiff B, and a captain’s performance from The Butler Roberts against Abergavenny. Top team player Mike 20-20 proved his unwavering dedication to the cause turning up at 50% away in Swansea to ensure what could be a vital referee point. 3 matches, 3 wins and sat on top of the table. The question is, can they continue this form as the pressure mounts? Stay tuned to find out!

Winter 2022

6 December 2022 Update - Only 6 matches over the course of the final 12 days and still so much to play for...and no, I'm not talking about the World Cup in Qatar!

Chances of promotion for the D Team have ended, but at least there's no chance of relegation either! St Mellons C are the opposition this week, but the main thing left to play for in the D Team is bragging rights over local rivals Hirwaun D in the final game of the season on Monday 12th in Aberdare.

For the C Team, promotion from Division 5 is still a real possibility with only 1 point separating us and promotion rival Hirwaun C with two huge games left to play. The first of which is a must win against Hirwaun! It's vital we come away with victory there as we finish the season with a tough match against run away leaders Cardiff F.

The B Team hold a sleder lead in the race to avoid relegation, although one game more has been played. Two tough matches starting with an away trip to Cardiff Uni A tonight followed by a final match at home to Bridgend B on the 14th means our fate is still (just about) in our own hands. Support and plenty of crossed fingers would be appreciated!

The equation is a lot simpler for our A Team who are chasing promotion to the Premier league's. After a run of strong form and good results, only 10 points against mid table Hirwaun A are needed to ensure we finish as league champions. Obviously a big victory in the derby is also a good way to finish the season!

Three of our four teams don't yet know what division they are going to be playing in next year. Despite the pressure building, hopes are still high that Merthyr squash can finish Winter 2022 with a bang, and who knows, we may even have an E team in the Spring.

7 November 2022 Update - Thankfully for all concerned, the season has settled nicely after a chaotic start, and the teams of Merthyr Squash Club are progressing in the South-Central Leagues. On first glance at the divisions, it doesn’t necessarily look too good, however taking into account the numerous games in hand, things could easily become much more positive for all our teams, and a strong finish will provide much success.

All eyes are on the D Team’s chance of completing an historic double win in South Central 6. However, it has been slow progress for them with only 3 fixtures during October including a close defeat to league leaders Maesteg, a convincing win against St Mellons and victory in the derby match against Hirwain. Undoubted highlights of the double junior win against Hirwain and the impressive strength in depth has helped the D Team to challenge for the promotion push, but a colossal double header against Old Penarthians and the home leg against Maesteg all within 9 days has the potential to trip up their title challenge.

With 2 games in hand over some of the teams ahead of them, there is potential for the C Team to go to the top of Division 5. However, standing in the way are big matches at the top of a tight division, a Cardiff team on an impressive run of form and the knowledge that The Pirate has now been tied up to the B Team. A mid-season re shuffle of the rankings means that the C Team may benefit from Trollies and Marc ‘The Illusionist’ Lewis being able to play for them until being tied themselves will hopefully give the possibility of a better chance of points and more consistent run of form after two 4-1 wins and two 4-1 losses in October.

There’s going to be a nail-biting finish in Division 3 for our B Team.  It is of vital importance that the team start to collect a more consistent haul of points in order to avoid relegation from Division 3, more results like the 17-11 demolition of Llanishen are very much needed. The return to fitness of Craig ‘Smiler’ Pike and having Peter ‘The Thinker’ Davies available are significant to strengthen further down the order. A titanic clash at home against relegation rivals Cardiff D is a must win in order to remain in the division next season. Their plight has been aided by Cardiff D being docked points earlier in the month, but it’s still with all to play for over the course of the next 5 weeks.

Merthyr A’s chances of promotion have been boosted by the mid-season transfer of Archie ‘Orange’ Davies Clark – not your average 13 year old – already a gifted squash player, but one with so much potential even the place of ‘Pretty Boy’ Poole at the top of the rankings is under threat. A convincing win in the derby match against Hirwain is always a recipe to get excited about the teams prospects, however an unexpected reverse away to The Vale could prove to be costly to our chances for Premier League Squash next season. A huge effort, and faultless finish to the season including 2 massive fixtures against Bridgend A will prove pivotal to what happens next for our premier team.

With all four Merthyr teams having something to play for, either avoiding relegation, gaining promotion or winning the championship, over the remainder of the season; fitness, enthusiasm and commitment are in huge demand during one of the busiest times of the year. Any and all support for all of our teams on match night is greatly appreciated. Keep going Team Merthyr! 

8 October 2022 Update - The season is only a month old but already there has been more drama than a series of Eastenders, and that's before we even discuss the on-court action! Between funerals, entire clubs pulling out and postponed fixtures we've missed almost as many games as we've played. In the words of Klopp, it going to lead to a 'full festive fixture list!' But onto what's happened so far... 


3 wins from 4 means that our D Team are top of Div 6. The remarkable fact of this is that no less than 11 players have been used demonstrating a real team effort and great strength in depth. Highlights are many, but certainly include The Juggernauts impressive form and first referee point, Esther's confident return to team squash and all kinds of entertaining contortionism from Spiderman. The future of Merthyr Squash looks good with juniors The Ghost and Rhys players representing the team so far this year and another 3 or 4 waiting in the wings for their debuts. Will Merthyr dominate and win Div 6 for the second successive season? With such strength in depth and a rotation policy to keep the players hungry, the signs are looking good. 


Merthyr C Team were hoping to feel the benefit of the strong summer signing, 'Double O' Hampson and the impressive form of The Pirate and Energizer. However, failing to field a full team so far has led to inconsistent performances. With only a 50/50 win/lose ratio so far, Merthyr C are somehow still sitting in third place with a game in hand so signs are positive that a settled team will bring more positive results. Hopes are high that with soon to be two games in hand to play catch up, the C Team can find the form necessary to force their way up the league and into the promotion places. 


Injuries, along with the unfortunate fact the only win so far got scrubbed off with Rhiwbina's withdrawal means the league isn't looking pretty for the B Team at the moment. Close games, but the loss of the important points so far this year means that we haven't had the reward and points that perhaps the performances have deserved. One thing that can't be doubted however is the effort and team spirit which would have this team top of the league if points were awarded for such endeavour. Hoping that the improved form of Ironside Poole, the continued drive of Spanners and the return of Trollies means that the remainder of the season becomes more successful, and the B Team can avoid finishing in the relegation spots. 


Our premier team are sitting pretty just 3 points off top spot in Div 1, despite not yet fielding a full strength 1-5. Super signing Babyface has only dropped 13 points all season and the roving reporter has heard challenges of less than 100 points for the entire season. Question is, has he the quality to manage this feat of skill? However just as important as points at the top is the fact that the rest of the team are playing one spot lower than last year which has led to seriously impressive wins for The Matador and 20/20. Will Merthyr be hosting Premier League squash next year? Only time will tell. 


Only being early in the season and with so many rearranged games to come means that there is such a long way to go, however with so much positivity around the club all signs for short term success and long-term growth are looking good for the future.