
The Digital Competence Framework (DCF) is a tool used in Welsh schools to help children develop the skills they need to use technology effectively and safely. 

The Citizenship element of the framework concerns itself with the aspect of online safety. Within this strand, there are progression steps that are guides for what skills children should be learning throughout their school life. Through these elements learners will engage with what it means to be a conscientious digital citizen who contributes positively to the digital world around them and who critically evaluates their place within this digital world. They will be prepared for and ready to encounter the positive and negative aspects of being a digital citizen and will develop strategies and tools to aid them as they become independent consumers and producers.

Citizenship includes:

Some examples of skills taught throughout primary school include:

Health and Wellbeing

There is also cross curricular digital competence in the ‘Health and Wellbeing’ Area of Learning . 

Learning in this Area is fundamental to developing safe behaviour in relation to digital media and the online world. Learners should be encouraged to develop their understanding of the increasing influence of technology on their daily lives and the implications this may have for their health and well-being, in particular the possible impact on physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Decision-making, risk assessment and safe and unsafe situations and interactions should all be considered in digital contexts. This includes relationships with others, online safety, legal implications and social influences online (including social media).  

As technology develops, settings/schools need to maintain a current understanding of what learners are accessing/using and how they are going about this. Provision should allow learners to explore the vast array of opportunities that these technologies present, as well as developing the awareness and skills needed to be responsible digital citizens. Settings and schools should also consider how they promote positive engagement with media and the online world as well as how they prepare learners to deal with the challenges these can present.