Mewnbwn staff, rhieni a phlant / Staff, parent and pupil input

Cafodd gwledigaeth Glan Ceubal ei greu wrth ymgynghori gyda ein rhanddeliaid sef ein staff, disgyblion a'r rhieni. Rydym wedi gweu y canlyniadau i fewn i'n gweledigaeth ysgol.

Gofynwyd i'r staff sut mae addysgu rhagorol o fewn y Cwricwlwm Newydd yn edrych, clywed a theimlo. Gallwch weld y canlyniadau isod.

Hefyd roedd y Cyngor Ysgol wedi cynnal holidaur ysgol gyfan yn gofyn un cwestiwn sef: 'Pa brofiadau a chyleoedd hoffech gael a pha fath o ddysgwr hoffech fod?' Gallwch weld y canlyniadau isod.

Yn olaf ,roeddwn wedi cynnal holiadur i rieni yn gofyn: 'Gallwch gofnodi 5 gair neu frawddeg sy'n rhoi trosolwg o'r fath o ddysgu ac addysgu hoffech weld yn cael ei gynnig yng Nglan Ceubal?' Gallwch weld engreifftiau o rai o'r ymatebion mewn ffurf 'Word Cloud' isod.

Glan Ceubals' vision was created in consultation with our stakeholders which are our staff, pupils and parents. We have woven the results into our school vision.

The staff were asked how excellent teaching within the New Curriculum looks, sounds and feels. You can see the results below.

The School Council have also held a whole school questionnaire asking one question, namely: 'What experiences and opportunities would you like to have and what type of learner would you like to be?' You can see the results below.

Finally we carried out a questionnaire for parents asking: 'Can you record 5 words or sentences that give an overview of the kind of learning and teaching you would like to see offered at Glan Ceubal?' You can see examples of some of the responses in 'Word Cloud' form below.

Gweledigaeth Staff o ddysgu rhagorol / Staff vision of excellent teaching

Gweledigaeth disgyblion / Pupil Vision

Mewnbwn rieni / Parents input

STEM, Emotional Intelligence/Empathy, Problem Solving, Sustainability​

Practical, interactive, creative, exploratory and infinitive​

Teaching more about accepting children with learning difficulties & challenging behaviors. More outdoor learning like forest club/school.​

Diverse, fun, interesting.​

Reflective & encourage growth. Innovative, dynamic and forward/future ​

Thinking. groundbreaking, fun, exciting and adventurous.​

Creadigol, heriol, cyffrous, cymreig a chynhwysol​

Holistic/ holistic; play based; montessori/ Waldorf inspired​

Heriol, Mwynhau, joio, dathlu, cymreictod​

Holistic, Nurturing, Supportive, Challenging​

Education that supports each child to meet their potential with diverse subjects and learning experiences to support this; focus on multiculturalism diversity and climate/planet earth to enable pupils to become ethical global citizens; focus on the arts as these massively support both literacy and numeracy; focus on forest school / exercise / wellbeing like yoga and mindfulness to build resilience