Cwestiynau Mawr / Big Questions

Ar ddechrau pob hanner tymor rydym yn gofyn cwestiwn mawr i'n disgyblion yn lle cyflwyno thema. Y pwrpas yw fod gan y plant lais cryfach wrth inni fynd ati i geisio ateb y cwestiynau hynny. Mae cwestiwn mawr y tymor olaf yn cael ei ddewis gan y plant.​

At the start of every half term we ask the pupils a big question instead of introducing a theme. The children will therefore have a stronger voice as we try and answer these questions. The big question for the final term is chosen by the children.

Cam Cynnydd 1 Progression Step 1

Meithrin a Derbyn Nursery and Reception

Pwy ydw i? Who am I?​

Sawl lliw sydd mewn enfys? How many colours in the rainbow?​

Ydy'r fuwch yn yfed llaeth? Does the cow drink milk?​

Wy pwy? Who's egg? ​

Pwy sy'n byw mewn tŷ fel hwn? Who lives in a house like this?​

Pam fod rhaid i mi fynd i'r gwely? Why do I need to go to bed?​

Beth os oes angen help arnaf? What if I need help?​

I ble awn ni heddiw? Where shall we go today?

Cam Cynnydd 2 Progression Step 2

Blwyddyn 1, 2 a 3 Year 1,2 and 3

Sut fyddai'r byd heb reolau? What would the world be like without rules?​

Sut allwn oleuo'r Byd? How can we illuminate the World?​

Sut allwn fwydo'r Byd? How can we feed the World?​

Ble awn ni ar ein antur? Where shall we go on our adventure?​

Beth fyddai dy gartref perffaith di? What would be your perfect home?​

Sut ydw i yn cadw yn gynnes yn y gaeaf? How do I keep warm in winter?​

Pwy sy'n arwr i mi? Who's my hero?​

Ble yn y Byd ydw i? Where in the World am I?​

Ydy natur yn garedig? Is nature kind?​

O le daw ein bwyd? Where does our food come from?​

Pwy oedd yma gyntaf? Who was here first?​

Beth sy'n symyd gyflymaf yn yr awyr? What travels fastest in the air?

Cam Cynnydd 3 Progression Step 3

Blwyddyn 4, 5 a 6 Year 4, 5 and 6

Sut gallaf gefnogi cynefinoedd bregus? How can I support endangered habitats?​

Beth yw peiriant? What is a machine?​

Ydy Castell Coch yn gastell go iawn? Is Castell Coch a real castle?​

Ydw i'n anturus? Am I adventurous?​

Beth sy'n cysylltu'r môr a'r mynydd? What links the mountains and the sea?​

Oes modd chwalu'r bedwaredd wal? Can you destroy the fourth wall?​

Beth sydd tu draw i ddibyn y byd? What is beyond the worlds edge?​

A oes heddwch? Is there peace?​

Pam rhyfel? Why war?​

Pa mor aml grefydd yw Caerdydd? How multicultural is Cardiff?​

Oes y fath beth ac arwyr a dihirod? Are there such things as heroes and villains?​

Pa mor bwysig yw ein Parciau Cenedlaethol? How Important are our National Parks?