
Tasg Sillafu / Spelling Task

During the term we will be focusing on spelling these key words. Please practise them as often as you can.

Rhifedd / Numeracy

Rydym wedi bod yn cyfrifo perimedr ac arwynybedd siapau yr wythnos yma. Dewiswch A NEU B a chyfrifwch perimedr ac arwynebedd y siapau.

We have been calculating perimeter and area of shapes this week. Choose A OR B and calculate the area and the perimeter of the shapes.

A. B.

Tasg Darllen / Reading Task:

Rydych wedi derbyn llyfr darllen i ddarllen dros y penwythnos. I ddangos eich bod wedi ei ddarllen, beth am recordio eich hun yn darllen tudalen o'r llyfr ac yna uwch lwythwch ef i SeeSaw?

You have received a reading book to read over the weekend. To show that you have read your book, why not record yourself reading a page and then upload it to SeeSaw?

Canmlwyddiant yr Urdd / The Urdd's centenary

Cofiwch fod angen i chi ddysgu geiriau'r gân 'Hei Mr Urdd'. / Remember to learn the words for the song 'Hey Mr Urdd'.

Hei Mr Urdd.pdf