Gwaith ychwanegol / Extra work

Iaith / Language:

Cymraeg / Welsh

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Treiglo / Mutation:

Edrychwch ar y rheolau treiglo trwynol cyn cwblhau'r tasgau.

Look at the nasal mutation- 'treiglad trwynol' rules before completing the task.

Tasg / Task: Copïwch a chwblhewch y tabl yn eich llyfrau. Cofiwch edrych ar y rheolau i'ch helpu. /

Copy and complete the table in your books. Remember to use the rules to help you.

Ewch ati i ysgrifennu 3 brawddeg sy'n cynnwys enwau'r llefydd hyn wedi'u treiglo.

Write 3 sentences containing these mutated place names.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Y llythrennau dwbl ll a ch:

Mae'r lluniau isod yn cynnwys y llythrennau dwbl ll neu ch. Ysgrifennwch frawddeg yn cynnwys y gair. Mae enghraifft i chi isod.

Double letters ll and ch:

The pictures below include the double letters ll or ch. Write a sentence including each word. There is an example for you below.

Atebion : Ar ôl cwblhau eich brawddegau, gallwch wirio eich atebion ar y sleid.

Answers : After completing your sentences you can check the answers on the slide.

Atebion ll neu ch

Saesneg / English

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

there, their, they're

Watch the clip to learn the different meanings of there, their and they're. See if you can correctly answer the quiz at the end.

Task A:

Design a poster to help remind you which homophone should be used. There are examples to help you.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Read the sentences below and fill in the gaps with the correct homophone. Use the video above and your poster to help you.

Mathemateg / Maths:

Mwynhewch chwarae y gêmau yma ar-lein.

Enjoy playing these games online.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Tynnu / Subtraction

Dewisiwch 6 o'r symiau isod i gwblhau gan ddilyn y dull yn y llun.

Choose 6 of the sums below to complete by using the method in the picture.

  1. 29-14= 6. 100-32=

  2. 36-18= 7. 149-23=

  3. 89-34= 8. 169-93=

  4. 73-29= 9. 225-153=

  5. 123-89= 10. 345-289=

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Dweud yr amser / Telling the time

Darllenwch yr amser ar y clociau analog isod. A allwch chi ysgrifennu sut y byddai'r amseroedd hyn yn edrych ar gloc digidol?

Cofiwch: Ar glociau analog a digidol, yr awr sy'n dod gyntaf (bys bach) ac yna'r munudau (mawr=munudau).

Read the time on the analogue clocks below. Can you write how these times would look on a digital clock?

Remember: On both analogue and digital clocks, the hour comes first (small hand) and then the minutes (big hand).

Her / Challange:

Cyfateb clociau:

Darllenwch yr amser ar y clociau analog ac yna cyfatebwch gyda'r un amser ar y clociau digidol.

Matching Clocks:

Read the time on the analogue clocks and match with the same time on the digital clocks.


Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Datrys problemau lluosi / Multiplication problem solving:

Datryswch y problemau isod a chofiwch ddangos y swm. Mae un wedi ei wneud i chi.

Solve the problems below and remember to show the sum. One has been done for you.

Enghraifft / Example: Mae gan feic modur 2 olwyn. Sawl olwyn fyddai gan 11 beic? / A motor bike has 2 wheels. How many wheels would 11 bikes have? 11x2=22

1. Mae 6 tacsi yn cyrraedd y parti gyda 4 o bobl ym mhob un. Faint o bobl sydd i gyd? / 6 taxis arrive at a party with 4 passengers in each. How many people are there in total?

2. Mae 4 llyfr mewn bocs. Faint o lyfrau sydd mewn 5 bocs? / There are 4 books in a box. How many books are there in 5 boxes?

3. Mae 10 person mewn ystafell. Sawl person sydd mewn 6 ystafell? / There are 10 people in a room. How many people are in 6 rooms?

4. Mae 3 afal mewn paced. Faint sydd mewn 8 paced? / There are 3 apples in a packet. How many are in 8 packets?

5. Mae gan gi 4 coes. Faint sydd gan 9 ci? / A dog has 4 legs. How many legs do 9 dogs have?

6. Mae gan bentagon 5 ochr. Faint o ochrau sydd gan 8 pentagon? / A pentagon has 5 sides. How many sides do 8 pentagons have?

Thema / Theme work:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Beth yw'r gylchred ddŵr? / What is the water cycle?

Gwyliwch y clip sydd yn esbonio beth yw'r gylchred ddŵr.

Watch the clip that explains what the water cycle is.

Lluniwch ddiagram o'r gylchred ddŵr yn eich llyfrau. Labelwch eich diagram gan ychwanegu y pedwar penawd isod i esbonio y broses.

Draw a water cycle diagram in your books. Label your diagram with the four headings below to explain the process.

1. Dŵr yn anweddu i'r awyr / Water evaporates into the air

Mae'r haul yn cynhesu'r dŵr ar dir, mewn afonydd, llynnoedd a moroedd ac yn ei droi'n anwedd dŵr. Mae'r anwedd dŵr yn codi i'r awyr. The sun heats up water on land, in rivers, lakes and seas and turns it into water vapour. The water vapour rises into the air.

2. Anwedd dŵr yn cyddwyso i'r cymylau / Water vapour condenses into clouds

Mae anwedd dŵr yn yr awyr yn oeri ac yn newid yn ôl i ddiferion bach o ddŵr hylif, gan ffurfio cymylau. Water vapour in the air cools down and changes back into tiny drops of liquid water, forming clouds.

3. Dŵr yn cwympo fel glaw neu eira / Water falls as rain or snow

Mae'r cymylau'n mynd yn drwm ac mae dŵr yn cwympo yn ôl i'r ddaear ar ffurf glaw neu eira. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the ground in the form of rain or snow.

4. Dŵr yn dychwelyd i'r môr / Water returns to the sea

Mae dŵr glaw yn rhedeg dros y tir ac yn casglu mewn llynnoedd neu afonydd, sy'n mynd ag ef yn ôl i'r môr. Mae'r cylchred yn dechrau eto. Rain water runs over the land and collects in lakes or rivers, which take it back to the sea. The cycle starts all over again.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Tasg 3- Addasiadau'r arth wen:

Gwyliwch y clipiau er mwyn dysgu am addasiadau'r arth wen. Tynnwch lun yr arth wen yng nghanol eich tudalen ac esboniwch yr addasiadau o'u cwmpas.

Task 3- Polar bear adaptations:

Watch the clips to learn about the polar bears adaptations. Draw a picture of a polar bear in the middle of your page and explain the different adaptations around it.

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

1) Dyma fap o'r byd. A fedrwch chi labeli'r cyfandiroedd yn gywir? / Here is a world map. Can you label the continents correctly?

2) Lluniwch dabl tebyg i hwn a'i lenwi gydag enwau gwledydd o fewn y cyfandiroedd penodol. /

Draw a table similar to this one and fill it in with the names of countries within the specific continents.


Tasg 1 - Iaith / Task 1 - Language:

Complex sentences.

Extend these sentences using:

if so while since

Examples of each:

The cat sat on the mat.

The cat sat on the mat so that he could curl up and go to sleep.

The cat sat on the mat while he was waiting for his tea.

If the weather was cold outside, the cat always sat on the mat in front of the fire.

The cat sat on the mat since it was the warmest place in the room.

1. It was cold outside.

2. Jane was bored.

3. Jack went out to play.

4. Dad lit the fire.

5. We walked down the road.

6. We had some work to do.

7. It wasn’t fair.

8. I wanted to go out to play.

Tasg 2 - Mathemateg / Task 2 - Maths:

Rydym wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith haneru a dyblu yr wythnos hon. / We have been doubling and halving this week.

1) Dewiswch o leiaf 4 eitem o naill ai bwydlen 'A' neu 'B'. Rydych angen prynu dau ohonynt. Beth yw'r gost? / Choose at least 4 items from either menu 'A' or 'B'. Please buy two of each item of your choice. What is the price?

2) Dewiswch o leiaf 4 eitem o naill ai bwydlen 'A' neu 'B'. Mae'r eitemau yn hanner pris. Beth yw'r gost? / Choose at least 4 items from either menu 'A' or 'B'. These items are now half price. How much are the items?



Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Chwaraewch y gêm yma i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen. Gallwch osod amseroedd eich hun i gwblhau pob her. Ceisiwch guro eich sgôr pob tro!

Play this game to practise your mental math skills. You can set your own times to complete the challenges. Try to beat your score each time!

Mwynhewch yr hanner tymor! / Enjoy the half term!