
Tasg Sillafu / Spelling Task

Next week we will be looking at the spelling 'i-e'.

Play this WordWall game by reading the i-e words and then find their rhyming partner.

Ask a member of your family to test your spelling of these words:

side, nine, hide, pine, fine, fire, ride

Tasg Rhifedd / Numeracy Task

Rydym wedi bod yn mesur gwrthrychau tu allan i'r ystafell ddosbarth wythnos hon gan drosi o'r CM i MM ac o MM i CM. I wneud hyn, rydych yn lluosi gyda 10 neu yn rhannu gyda 10. Cwblhewch naill ai tabl A neu B isod sy'n dangos eich dealltwriaeth.

This week we have been using measuring skills outside the classroom and converting from CM to MM and from MM to CM. To do this we multiply by 10 or divide by 10. Complete either table A or B below to show your understanding.


Tasg Darllen / Reading Task

Rydych wedi derbyn llyfr darllen i ddarllen dros y penwythnos. I ddangos eich bod wedi ei ddarllen, beth am recordio eich hun yn darllen tudalen o'r llyfr ac yna uwch lwythwch ef i SeeSaw?

You have received a reading book to read over the weekend. To show that you have read your book, why not record yourself reading a page and then upload it to SeeSaw?