Curriculum for Wales Summary


Ysgol Dyffryn Ogwen

        Llawenydd, Llafur, Llwyddo ~  Smile, Strive, Succeed

Our Aim

The school's principles, values and ethos are based on our mission statement:

"Motivating and challenging all pupils to enjoy successes that derive from effort

and willingness to learn"

 Our Ethos

YDO is a close and caring community where everyone will respect the needs and rights of others as valuable members of society. Our aim is to provide opportunities for all pupils to develop and shine, challenging themselves to be ambitious and enterprising learners. We believe that success derives from hard work and continuous effort. We develop invaluable personal qualities in our learners in order to prepare them to be principled, confident and resilient citizens.

  'Bydded Goleuni' (Let there be light) is our motto at Ysgol Dyffryn Ogwen and we give light in our own lives, and in the lives of others.

Our Journey

Curriculum Journey 2021-2026.docx.pdf
