Welcome to out Helping Hands page.  

Helping Hands is a programme of activities which we run each year for vulnerable pupils - those who will find the transition from Key stage 2 to Key stage 3 - just a little more daunting.

Pupils are nominated by their Primary Schools to take part and the activities take place at Cynffig Comprehensive school, usually in 3 sessions prior to the Year 6 Induction Day, at the end of June.

Activities are all aimed at building confidence, raising self esteem and getting to know each other a little better.

Throughout Year 7, we have regular meetings to check in with each other, but we are always available for a chat or to answer any questions.

If you were nominated to take part in Helping Hands this year, you should have received a booklet to work through, as a tool for us to get to know you a little better.  If you have not been able to return it to your Primary school, please bring it with you in September.

We are really looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Have a great summer, stay safe and take care.

This is Mrs Harding, she is your Learning Leader, which means she looks after and oversees everything that happens in Year 7.  Mrs Harding has been at the school a long time, so perhaps your mum or dad might know of her.  Mrs Harding has high expectations of her year group that means that she will help and support you in everything both academically and pastorally.  However she expects rules to be followed and standards to be kept.  

Mrs Harding says “all we ask of our pupils is that they come to school ready to learn, respectful to all and keep themselves and others safe.

Our Pastoral Support Assistant is Mrs Morgan, who works in the KS3 office.  Mrs Morgan will become very important to you as she can help in many ways.  If you are lost, upset, confused, need a chat, looking for support, guidance, need first aid or just want to see a friendly face, Mrs Morgan is your lady. 

She might not always agree with you or what has happened, but Mrs Morgan will always come up with solutions, ideas and assistance to help you.

Sally Owen, is the Family Engagement Officer at Cynffig Comprehensive.  I spend a lot of my time working with families.  However I love spending time helping children that may have concerns and worries about many different things.  Trying to help them understand themselves and why they sometimes feel the way they do lets us work out ways to overcome the negative things they will and give them a more positive outlook on how they see themselves and their education.

Sally helps run Helping Hands and can be contacted on 07773 538238

Cynffig Comprehensive Helping Hands Summer Challenge

Hi Everyone,

We are hoping that you are well.  We are really looking forward to meeting you and showing you our fabulous school.

We have created this challenge diary for you to complete.  You can write, draw or stick photos in your diary.  Please try and fill in all boxes.

Have a great summer!

Click on the link below to print off your own copy to complete.  Remember to bring it back to us in September.

Helping Hands booklet 2020.pdf