At Cynffig, as in your primary school we have high expectations of our pupils.  We expect you to be READY, RESPECTFUL & SAFE.  We have a KEEP YOUR POINTS system to support pupils in focusing on positive behaviour and our CYNFFIG CULTURE system to acknowledge our pupils who go over and above expectations.

Culture Cards

Culture Cards

When pupils are consistently meet the expectations of our Cynffig Culture they are rewarded with Culture Cards.  These can be taken to their key stage office where they will earn a point for their form class.  They get to keep the card and take it home too.

There are currently ten different Culture Cards that pupils can earn.

ATL Culture - Planner (1).pdf

Attitude to Learning

Cynffig expects all pupils to display high levels of positive attitude to learning to ensure every pupils reaches their potential.

To help pupils understand what that looks like in the classroom we have developed our Positive Attitudes to Learning poster which can be found in the pupil planner.

Pupils who display these attitudes are more likely to be successful in their learning and to have a positive experience in school.

Some pupils may need support with some of these aspects and teachers will help all pupils to develop these habits.

Parents can support their child by talking to them about these attitudes as well as generally speaking to them about the work they complete in school.  Pupils bring their books home so parents can see the standard of work and presentation and ask them what they are learning about.  

Some key information is included below, but don't worry, all of this will be explained to you when you arrive in September. Click on the buttons below to find out more information.