The School day

At Cynffig we run a split, two-week timetable with 5, (generally) one-hour lessons. Having a two week timetable means that lessons during one week could be different from lessons the following week. 

At the start of the day pupils go to Challenge Time between 8:50 and 9:10, where they meet with their Challenge Tutor.

What is 'Challenge Time'?

Challenge time is from 8:50 and 9:10 each day, this is when you meet up with your Challenge tTtor and your friends who are in the same form as you.

During challenge sessions pupils cover the 'thought for the week', literacy and numeracy, Well-Being Wednesday as well as reviewing attendance and monitoring behaviour points

During Challenge time you may also attend assemblies and explore moral, cultural and religious themes.

We follow a timetable each week where certain activities are done on certain days. 

 Break and lunch

Pupils are currently offered a 20 minute break in the morning and a 35 minute lunch in the afternoon. Hot and cold food is available during both of these periods. 

Menus and other information about Bridgend School Catering services can be found using the link in the 'Menus' icon to the right.

Many of our learners are eligible for free school meals.  We urge you to check your eligibility as this can also unlock other financial support such as the school uniform grant.

School Term Dates

As per school policy if you are considering removing your child from school during term, please fill out a holiday form. These are available on request from the main reception. Holidays during term time are discouraged and are granted at the discretion of the headteacher usually under special circumstances only.