Mathemateg a Rhifedd

Mathematics and Numeracy

Defnyddio mathemateg i ddatrys problemau yn y byd go iawn. 

The application of mathematics to solve problems in real-world contexts.

Wonders by numbers - We looked at numerical facts associated with the ancient, modern and natural wonders of the world and changed the numbers from figures to words and vice versa.

Gwaith rhifedd ar Ryfeddodau'r Byd. Ysgrifennu rhifau mewn geiriau, defnyddio ein dealltwriaeth o dalgrynnu wrth drafod pellter.

Measuring shadows - We used a measuring tape to measure the length of shadows at different times of the day. We also estimated the length of the next shadow at the end of each measurement.

Mesur cysgodion - Defnyddion ni tap mesur i fesur hyd gysgodion ar wahanol amseroedd o'r dydd. Hefyd fe wnaethom amcangyfrif hyd y cysgod nesaf ar ôl bob mesuriad.

Distance from Lampeter to various wonders - We researched the distance between the modern wonders of the world and Lampeter. After, we used the information to create a graph showing the distance from Lampeter to each wonder of the world.

Pellter o Lambed i ryfeddodau'r byd - Fe wnaethom ddarganfod y pellter rhwng rhyfeddodau'r byd a Llambed a defnyddio'r data i greu graff.

Finding the cheapest bus company - We used our knowledge of percentages and the four operations to find the cheapest bus company to take us on our residential visit to the Urdd camp in Cardiff.

Booking a trip to Qatar - Using the information on our maths mat we calculated the cost of Mr Davies' trip to Qatar to watch Wales play in the FIFA World Cup.

Comparing the weather - We compared the average monthly temperature in Lampeter with the monthly temperature in Mexico, near Machu Picchu. We drew a graph to show the results.

Created a data base - We researched the players in the Welsh football team going to Qatar for the FIFA World Cup. We then used the data to fill our data base using J2 data and Microsoft Excel

Dewch i'r Wyddfa! We used a maths mat to find information and answer questions about Wales' tallest mountain, Snowdon.

World Cup Superstars! We used algebra and substitution to find the personal stats and attributes of the best players in the World Cup

World cup country flags - We researched the flags of each country participating in the FIFA World Cup then found how many lines of symmetry each one had

Gwaith graff

Casglu data a'i ddangos ar ffurf graff.

Cyfrifo Newid

Yn y siop.

Faint yw'r gost?

Faint o newid sydd angen?

In the shop.

How much does it cost?

How much change should I have?

Trosi data o dabl i graff/Converting data from a table to a graph

Dadansoddi Data Carfan Pêl-droed Cymru

Data Analysing the Wales World Cup Squad