Y Dyniaethau / Humanities

Daearyddiaeth; hanes; crefydd, gwerthoedd a moeseg; astudiaethau busnes ac astudiaethau cymdeithasol.  

Geography; history; religion, values and ethics; business studies and social studies.  

Casglu Gwybodaeth Enwogion o Fry Cymreig

Collecting Welsh Champions' information

Casglu gwybodaeth 'Enwogion o Fri' Cymreig.

Collection Welsh Champions' information.

Creu llinell amser yn ddigidol ar Adobe Creative Cloud Express.

Creating a digital timeline on Adobe Creative Cloud Express.

Defnyddio atlas i ddod o hyd i fannau geni ein henwogion.

Using an atlas to locate our champions' places of birth.

Sioe Mewn Cymeriad Betty Campbell

Betty Campbell's In Character Show

Y Set Boeth - Cwestiynu Betty Campbell am ei phrofiadau

 Hot Seating - Questioning Betty Campbell about her experiences

Enghreifftiau o waith-cartref y tymor / Examples of homework from the term: