Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy

Defnyddio mathemateg i ddatrys problemau yn y byd go iawn. 

The application of mathematics to solve problems in real-world contexts.

Gwaith Rhif / Number work

The Four Operations

Division: working independently using numicon.

Division: group work, checking using the reverse operation.

Building confidence on the whiteboards.

Formative assessment.

Lluosi rhifau gyda 10 / Multiplying numbers by 10

Gwaith Rhif Stadiymau Cwpan Y Byd 

World Cup Rugby Stadium Number Work

Cyfrifo Arwynebedd a Pherimedr

Calculating Area and Perimeter

Dadansoddi Data Llyfrau T.Llew Jones

Analysing T Llew Jones' Data

Mesur gyda Chentimetrau a Metrau

Measuring with Centimetres and Metres

Recall of previous knowledge related to measure.

Collaborative group work: sharing ideas and reporting back to the class.

Making estimates and checking.

Working towards accuracy.

Developing skills for life.

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Buisness Enterprise - Considering Real Life Costs

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