Ieithoedd, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu 

Languages, Literacy and Communication

Anelu at alluogi dysgwyr i gyfathrebu’n effeithiol gan ddefnyddio Cymraeg, Saesneg ac ieithoedd rhyngwladol. 

Aiming to enable learners to communicate effectively using Welsh, English and international languages. 

Ymweld â Joseph Coehlo yn Llyfrgell Cymundel Llambed

We were so lucky to meet the Poet Laureate, Joseph Coelho, an award-winning poet, playwright and children's author.  Coelho is on a mission championing local libraries and the role they play in local communities inspiring a love of reading in young people.

Roeddem mor ffodus i gwrdd â'r bardd Laureate, Joseph Coelho, bardd, dramodydd ac awdur plant.  Mae Coelho ar genhadaeth sy'n hyrwyddo llyfrgelloedd lleol a'r rôl y maent yn ei chwarae mewn cymunedau lleol gan ysbrydoli cariad at ddarllen ymhlith pobl ifanc.

Ysgrifennu Estynedig: Defnyddio geirfa ddisgrifiadol gan ysgrifennu disgrifiad o ffrind

Extended Writing: Using descriptive writing to write a desciption of a friend

Exporing a model and identifying common features of a character description.

Planning: adjectives, verbs, similes, sentence openers and ideas.

Drafting and improving our writing.

Producing a final copy.

Paratoi: ansoddeiriau, cymariaethau, agoriadau a syniadau

Astudio enghraifft ac adnabod prif nodweddion disgrifiad

Ysgrifennu a gwella ein disgrifiadau

Ysgrifennu Estynedig: Erthygl Papur Newydd

Extended Writing: Newspaper Article

Darllen Erthyglau First News

Reading First News Articles 

Making good use of the Working Wall

Recall of previously learned skills and the features of newspaper writing.

Reading and exploring a model.

Independent extended writing.

Disgrifio Enwogion o Fry a Phencampwyr Campus

Describing Champions 

Building a vocabulary of champion related adjectives.

Building a vocabulary of champion related verbs.

Ein Nofel Dosbarth - Y Crwt yn y Cefn gan Onjali Q  Rauf

Our class novel - The Boy at The Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf

We have spent a term enjoying this novel and through it we have explored themes of: war, refugees, racism, friendship, family and grief.  We have also used it to improve our reading comprehension skills, as a model for our own creative writing, to improve our reading and as a stimulus for our artwork.

Rydym wedi treulio tymor yn mwynhau'r nofel hon gan Qnjali Q Rauf. Rydym wedi archwilio'r themâu: rhyfel, ffoaduriaid, hiliaeth, cyfeillgarwch, teulu a galar.  Rydym hefyd wedi ei ddefnyddio i wella ein sgiliau darllen a deall, fel model ar gyfer ein hysgrifennu creadigol ein hunain, i wella ein darllen ac fel ysgogiad i'n gwaith celf.

Darlunio a disgrifio nodweddion cymeriadau o'r nofel

Illustrating and describing characters from the novel 

Astudio Clawr Ein Nofel Dosbarth

Studying the Cover of our Class Novel

Visiting the Book Fayre in the school library and enjoying a library session with the school librarian.

Ymweld â'r ffair lyfrau a mwynhau sesiwn gyda llyfrgellydd yr ysgol.

Darllen Pâr / Grŵp

Pair / Group Reading

Diemnwt 4 - Mynegi Barn. Gwrando ar eraill a rhannu fy marn

4 Diamond - Expressing my opinion. Listening to others and expressing my opinion

Ymarfer Atalnodi

Punctuation Practise

Diwrnod T Llew Jones - Creu Cronfa Ddata ar j2data yn seiliedig ar lyfrau T Llew Jones

T Llew Jones Day - Creating a Database of T Llew Jones' published books on j2data

Her Sillafu

Spelling Challenge!

Ymarfer Ail-Iaith Cymraeg ar Lafar

Practising Second Language Welsh - Oracy Tasks

Enghreiffitau o Waith Cartref 

Examples of Homework