NGSS Connections

NGSS Standards: SCI.HS­LS1 Science Practices:


Cross-Cutting Concepts:

SWBAT (Objectives):

1. Test weapons for blood splatter.

2. Identify blood type from crime scene.

3. Read and analyze autopsy report.

4. Perform burn and solvent tests and analyze results to solve a crime.

5. Analyze fingerprints.

6. Analyze pictures of footprints and determine height of a suspect based on analysis.

7. Identify hair samples left at a crime scene.

8. Identify soil samples left at a crime scene.

9. Perform gel electrophoresis and analyze DNA results.

General Tips For Implementation:

  1. Put student in groups of 3-4
  2. Fiber Analysis and Hair Analysis takes the longest to complete (make multiple stations to minimize waiting times for groups to analyze)
  3. After the groups have completed Evidences 1-8, have them narrow down their suspect list to 2 people.
    1. Students should complete a profile of these suspects explaining why they couldn't rule them out
    2. They should include a brief explanation of the motive and evidence that they have on each suspect.
  4. After reviewing the profiles of the 2 suspects, allow the students to complete the final activity (Gel Electrophoresis)