Final Activity Gel Electrophoresis

***Do not come to this part of the site until you have narrowed down your suspect list to two suspects***

Once you have narrowed down your suspect list to the two suspects with the most evidence against them, approach your teacher and ask for the DNA evidence folder.

The folder you will receive will have the following contents:

  • The DNA found at the scene of the crime
  • The DNA of final suspect #1
  • The DNA of final suspect #2

You will perform Gel Electrophoresis for the final two suspects in order to determine who your culprit is. This is the most vital evidence to your case and you can only perform this test once so make sure you review the Forensics Skills Website and your notes prior to performing this test. Failure to perform this test successfully will result in the culprit being released from custody and a dock in your grade.

After you perform the Gel Electrophoresis and determine who is responsible for the death of Blaine Temmel, you have one final assignment. Your final task is to write exactly how the crime occurred. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Who the murderer is
  • How they killed Blaine
  • Why they killed Blaine
  • The timeline of events
  • All of the evidence that incriminates the killer and how it incriminates them