Student Assistance at HVCHS

The Student Assistance Program (SAP) at Hopewell Valley Central High School seeks to prevent and intervene in substance use and mental health concerns, which are impediments to students developing their unique talents, growing as socially responsible life-long learners, and in developing capabilities for facing real-world challenges. Students cannot achieve their full potential while being impacted directly or indirectly by substance use and mental health challenges. The SAP aims to empower students to make positive changes in their lives and to cope with the challenges they face. The SAP seeks to help all students, based on their level of need, to become healthy and productive while providing them the skills to prevent and address substance use and mental health challenges.

Goals of the HVRSD SAP Program

1. Provide evidence and fact-based prevention education to all students on alcohol, other drugs, and mental health concerns.

2. Reduce the number of students who begin using substances.

3. Identify students who may be at risk of developing mental health or substance use issues and intervene to assist these students.

4. Collaborate with parents, staff, and the community to provide resources both in school, locally, and with national reach.

5. Develop programming to respond to changing school needs in the areas of mental health and substance use.

6. Provide a safe, supportive, and confidential environment for all impacted students to access.

For purposes of confidentiality, please make all referrals in person or via phone to my direct extension (609-737-4003 x3539). Thank you!

Contact Information

Christopher Velderman, Psy. D.

Student Assistance Coordinator

Office Phone: 609-737-4003 x3539

Confidential Fax: 609-737-4010

Located in the HVCHS Counseling Department

Instagram: @HVstudentassistance