head lice

Anytime is head lice time!

Many people think of head lice as a winter scourge. It is true that lice is often spread through the sharing of hats, but lice can spread at any time, even when the weather is nice and warm. People with head lice often complain of itching on their head so be sure to check for lice if you see anyone in your household scratching their head. The most common way of contracting lice is by head to head contact.

  • Please be aware of this and check your children regularly for lice and nits.

  • Remind them not to share hats, scarves, combs, brushes, or hair ties or other decorations and to avoid head to head contact with other people.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lots of information on how to check for and, if necessary treat, head lice. You can find this information here:
