April 19th

8th Grade Cruise

The HUMS 8th grade celebration will take place on the Spirit of Ethan Allen cruise boat on the evening of Thursday, June 6th.  Students should be dropped off at HUMS at 5pm.  The cruise will last from 6:15-9pm with dinner and dancing included.  Please meet your 8th grader for pick up back at HUMS  at 9:45.  The cost for each student is $50. We understand this may pose a financial challenge for some families. We would like every 8th grader to attend, so if cost is a concern, please contact Liz Hepp (lhepp@huusd.org / 802-583-8163) for scholarship options. Please make checks out to HUMHS.

Celebration of Learning

Save the Date! You are invited to HUMS to help us celebrate some of our learning, including Oratorical speeches and National History Day projects. The event will take place on Thursday, May 9th at 6:00pm. 

Social Studies

For the past few weeks, students have been studying Globalization: the idea that we're all connected through travel, communication, people, products, and culture. One sure sign of globalization is population growth. Students have explored human population growth over time, finding a major increase starting around 1800. To better understand why this happened, we explored scientific advances during the Industrial Revolution.

To conclude this unit, each of us are working to create a globalization news report. Check out the PROJECT DESCRIPTION. You can also see the example report I made HERE. The project is due in the first class after our vacation.


I hope everyone has a great break! 

When we return, the 8th graders will continue to work with squares, square roots, and explore the Pythagorean Theorem. Here is the family resource.

The 7th graders will begin a new geometry unit, investigating angles, triangles, and prisms. Here is the family resource.

March 15th

VTCAP Testing

VTCAP Vermont State Testing VTCAP (Vermont Common Assessment Program) testing starts next week for all 7th and 8th graders, and will continue for the next two weeks. All students are being assessed in English Language Arts (ELA)  and Math, and 8th graders will also be assessed in Science. The schedule for testing can be seen above.

During this time, it will be really helpful to

If you are interested in more information about the VTCAP tests, check out this press release, and this practice test site. Our school district uses the data from these tests as one measure to see what we are doing well, and where we can improve. The data is also used by the state to get a picture of skills across Vermont schools, and can be used to compare schools. We have a lot of pride in our Harwood community, and thank you for doing your best!


As we wrap up the speech writing and revising phase of the Oratorical, students are beginning to turn their attention to public speaking skills and practice. This week we talked about hooks, transitions, engaging the audience, and building planned pauses into the speech so the audience will have time to appreciate the details. Thay have also played public speaking games like Hot Seat and Jokes/Riddles Day to warm-up for the real deal.

NEXT WEEK: our focus will be on "Learning Your Speech without Memorizing". We will also practice enunciation (using marshmallows) in an activity that is always a highlight of the unit. 

AT HOME: all 7th graders should be practicing their speeches at home in short sessions once or twice every day.

History Day Challenge

First drafts of History Day projects are due today for 8th graders. Students have found out first-hand the challenges of historical research, including synthesizing information, arguing a claim, and citing sources. While we will move on to another unit, we will come back to this project as we make revisions and several students will be preparing for Vermont History Day at UVM on April 6th.

March 7th

Vermont HIstory Day

(8th Grade)

In English and Social Studies, 8th grade History Day projects are well-underway. This year, students have chosen topics that represent "turning points" in history and will create either an exhibit, website, documentary, performance, or paper. CLICK HERE for project details.

While all 8th graders will be completing a project, we also encourage students to participate in Vermont History Day at UVM on Saturday, April 6th. CLICK HERE for information regarding the Vermont History Day competition. Contest registration is due online Friday, March 15th. In the past, students have reported this event as a highlight of their academics, but gentle encouragement to participate can go a long way! 


The 7th graders are starting a new unit on expressions and equations. We will work on modeling situations with equations and solving for unknowns. Here is the parent resource with an overview of what's to come.

The 8th graders are starting a new unit on exponents and exponent rules. Here is the parent resource with what we'll be covering in the upcoming weeks.

Oratorical (7th Grade)

Every 7th grader has selected a question to investigate and speak about during the Oratorical--happening in a couple of weeks. These topics range from pop culture and sport to science or history, and we are in the paragraph-writing phase this week

AT HOME: you can ask your 7th grader about their topic and some of the interesting things they've learned while researching!

Next Week, we will be revising the speeches for interest, with hooks and transitions, and we'll be playing games to practice public speaking skills as well.

Reminder: Sign up for Conferences 3/13 or 3/21

Harwood will be using PTC Fast to schedule conferences and will be hosting conferences for all parents and students on March 13th and March 21st from 3:30-6pm.


Here is link to PTC Fast: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Harwood_Union_Middle_High_School



·       MS conferences are on 3/13 AND 3/21 and you need to click on the correct conference DATE and TEAM- if you want to book a conference on March 13th, please click on the team conference that lists 3/13. If you want a conference on March 21st, please click on the conference that lists 3/21. Please make sure you select the correct TEAM and the correct DATE that you’d like to make a conference. 

·       When you click on this link to PTC Fast you will see ALL the Harwood teachers who work in the building (some that your student does not have as teachers) – please only select Team Terra or Team Aqua.


Please scroll down the alphabetized list until you see “T” for Team Terra or Team Aqua and select the correct team your child is on. If you have more than 1 child and they are on different teams, please select both teams at this time. 


FIRST step - you will be asked to enter identifying information specific to your child(ren) AND THEN you will be prompted to check your email account to schedule a SPECIFIC time. This email will come from PTC Fact. You have NOT booked an appointment at this time.  You need to receive the email and then continue on to the second step.


SECOND step – when you receive an email from PTC Fast.com, please click on the available time slot(s) for your child(ren). If you are booking for more than one student, please select that option when presented. You will then be able to select multiple conference times, one slot specific to each child and team.