
Earth Formation Sketch Note

This sketch note shows how the Earth formed, how the interior is still heated, what planetary differentiation is, and how it impacts the Earth.

Earth Compared To Mars

My sketch note compares the layers of Earth to Mars. They both do have layers.

One layer that they both have in common is the dense core. Another common layer is the mantle. They also have similar crusts.

The elements that make them up are both similar and different. Earth is made up of nickel, iron, uranium, thorium, iron, magnesium, silicon, silica, aluminum, oxygen and more. Mars is made up of much less, iron, nickel, sulfur, magnesium, aluminum, calcium and potassium.

Ted Ed Bike Video Sketch

Samantha Lesnak physics.pdf

Physics Journal

Newton's Laws Project

Cosmos Video Notes

Genetic Research Project

iPad Art Project

Week in Science Sketchnote

Mitosis and Meiosis Project

Rock Pocket Mouse Project

In this project, we learned about how a species of mouse in the Valley of Fire evolved over time and is now has a different color coat.

Science Term GIF